Evolution characteristics of nutrients and chemical compositionsof groundwater before and after autumn irrigation: Taking Wulate Irrigation Area as an example
摘要: 为明确秋浇前后地下水营养盐变化特征,探究其水化学组成的演变及来源问题,选取乌拉特灌域为研究区,2018年8—11月跟踪监测地下水及灌溉水,收集地下水样160个,采用空间插值、Piper三线图、Gibbs图等方法,分析了灌域地下水与引黄灌溉水中氮磷元素及水化学组成的动态变化特征,对当地农业生产及地下水环境保护具有一定的指导意义.结果表明,乌拉特灌域地下水TN、TP含量差异较大,TN含量受秋浇影响8—11月逐月升高;人类活动差异使秋浇前TN含量呈现非平稳的空间分布特征,秋浇活动及渠系排干密集地区地下水中TN含量明显高于其它地区;由于土壤对磷素的固定能力较强,地下水中TP含量秋浇前后时空间变化无明显规律,TP含量基本不受秋浇影响.根据地下水中主要盐分离子含量分布情况,将乌拉特灌域主要分为4个区,其中,Ⅲ区盐分含量最高,且秋浇后明显增加,11月Na+、Cl-均值分别达857.52 mg·L-1、1246.09 mg·L-1.灌域地下水水化学类型以Na+-Mg2+-Cl--SO42-型、Na+-Cl-型为主,各月地下水水化学补给来源基本相同,灌溉水补给及土壤淋融作用使Cl-和Na+在地下水化学组成中占主导地位.Gibbs图表明,引黄灌溉水水化学组成主要受岩石风化和蒸发作用共同控制,地下水水化学来源主要受蒸发作用和人类活动控制,阴离子受人类活动影响更显著.其中,农田灌溉、污水排放是最主要的影响因素.Abstract: In order to reveal the characteristics of groundwater nutrients changes and explore the evolution and sources of water chemical compositions before and after autumn irrigation,this paper selected Wulate irrigation area as the research object, tracked and monitored the groundwater and irrigation water from August to November 2018, and 160 groundwater samples were collected. The spatial variation, the Piper diagram and the Gibbs map were used to analyze the dynamic changes of nitrogen and phosphorus elements and water chemical composition in groundwater and irrigation water, which have certain guiding significance for local agricultural production and groundwater environmental protection. The results show that, TN and TP contents in Wulate irrigation area groundwater were extremely different, and the TN content increased from August to November. Human activities changed the TN content unsteadily before and after autumn irrigation. The TN contents in the areas where there were many drainage ditches or channels and proceed autumn irrigation are obviously higher than at other areas. Due to strong irnmobilization of phosphorus by soil the spatial variation of TP content has no obvious pattern in groundwater before and after autumn irrigation, so the TP content is hardly affected by autumn irrigation. According to the distribution of the main salt segregants in the groundwater, the Wulate irrigation area is mainly divided into four areas, of which the salt content of the III area is the highest,and increased obviously after autumn irrigation. The mean values of Na+ and Cl- reached 857.52 mg·L-1 and 1246.09 mg·L-1,respectively in November. The main water chemistry type of groundwater in the irrigation area are Na+-Mg2+-Cl--SO42- type and Na+-Cl- type. The chemical source of groundwater is basically the same every month. Irrigation water supply and soil leaching are the reasons why Cl- and Na+ dominate the chemical composition of groundwater. Gibbs map shows that the chemical composition of the Yellow River water for irrigation is mainly controlled by the weathering and evaporation of the rock. The chemical source of groundwater is mainly controlled by evaporation and human activities, and the anion is more affected by human activities. Among them, farmland irrigation and sewage discharge are the most important factors.
Key words:
- Wulate irrigation area /
- autumn irrigation /
- groundwater /
- nutrients /
- water chemistry
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