Relationship between antibiotic resistance genes and microbial communities in farmland soil
摘要: 抗生素抗性基因(Antibiotic resistance genes,ARGs)作为一种新型环境污染物,近20年来在农田土壤中广泛富集,促进了耐药性的传播.土壤微生物群落在农业种植下也发生了极大的变化,由于ARGs的传播扩散与微生物息息相关,因此关于两者之间关系及相互作用的研究急速增加.本文通过综述近几年的国内外研究成果,概述了农田土壤ARGs的分布现状和优势微生物群落的变化情况,从农业种植模式、有机肥施用情况、施用有机肥的种类、土壤理化性质和土壤污染影响等角度总结ARGs富集与优势微生物群落、微生物多样性变化的关系,指出耐药菌的变化情况,基于当下研究的不足展望了继续深入探索的方向,为今后进一步深入探索两者间的科学规律提出了设想.Abstract: Antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs), as a new type of environmental pollutant, have become widely enriched in farmland soils over the last two decades, promoting the spread of drug resistance. Agricultural cultivation has been confirmed as the main human factor for this enrichment and has also been shown to greatly affect the microbial community structure and diversity in farmland soils. Research into the close relationship between soil microbial communities and ARGs has increased rapidly in recent years. We reviewed recent domestic and international research describing changes in ARG distribution and the dominant microbial community in farmland soil. The ARG enrichment, dominant microbial shift, and microbial diversity changes were examined with consideration of agricultural planting patterns, fertilizer type, application approach of organic fertilizers, and soil properties and pollutants, with a particular focus on drug-resistant bacteria. On the basis of the shortcomings of the current research, ideas for further exploration of the relationship between the changes of soil microbial communities and ARG distribution were proposed.
Key words:
- antibiotic resistance genes /
- farmland soil /
- microbial communities /
- relationship
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