Liquid phase analysis of tebufenozide residues in apple leaves based on two pretreatments
摘要: 为进一步研究虫酰肼在苹果树冠层的递释规律,分别采用QuEChERS法和Florisil固相萃取法建立虫酰肼在苹果叶片上的液相分析检测方法.结果显示,QuEChERS法虫酰肼的均添加回收率为80.34%—99.20%,变异系数为5.3%—17.9%,最小检出量均为0.1 ng,最低检出质量浓度均为0.01 mg·L-1;Florisil固相萃取法虫酰肼的均添加回收率为78.45%—88.24%,变异系数为7.8%—10.9%,最小检出量均为0.1 ng,最低检出质量浓度均为0.02 mg·L-1.两种方法均满足农药残留分析的要求.Abstract: In order to further study the regularity of tebufenozide release in apple canopy, the liquid phase analysis method of tebufenozide on apple leaves was established by QuEChERS and Florisil solid phase extraction. The results showed that the recovery of tebufenozide with QuEChERS method was 80.34%-99.20%, the coefficient of variation was 5.3%-17.9%, the LOD was 0.1 ng, and the LOQ was 0.01 mg·L-1; the recovery of tebufenozide with Florisil solid phase extraction method was 78.45%-88.24%, the coefficient of variation was 7.8%-10.9%, the LOD was 0.1 ng, and the LOQ was 0.02 mg·L-1. Both methods could meet the requirements of pesticide residue analysis.
Key words:
- tebufenozide /
- apple leave /
- residues /
- solid phase extraction
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