Characteristics of the station environment and some atmospheric compositions of China global atmosphere watch baseline observatory at Mt.Waliguan
摘要: 本文介绍了瓦里关全球大气本底站地理环境特征,总结分析了近年来该站的基本气象要素特征以及1994年-2017年该站CO2、CH4、CO和地面O3等观测数据的变化特征.结果显示,该站大气CO2、CH4和地面O3本底浓度年平均值逐渐增加,而CO浓度呈现略微下降的变化趋势.其中,CO2受陆地生物周期生长过程的影响,其季节变化表现出与国外观测结果及全球分布特点一致的冬春季偏高,夏秋季偏低的特征.CH4、CO的变化趋势与北半球的总体变化状况基本相符,但各年的增长率波动与全球平均状况有区别.地面O3受地形、长距离传输和平流层输入的影响表现出特有的季节变化特征,春末夏初浓度明显高于其他季节.后向轨迹分析表明该站冬春两季主要以北部和东北部气流输送为主,夏季以西部气流输送影响居多,而秋季作为夏季向冬季转化的过渡季节,各种天气系统交替影响,轨迹的空间分布较均匀.Abstract: This paper introduced the geographical environment characteristics of China Global Atmosphere Watch Baseline Observatory at Mt.Waliguan, and analyzed the meteorological characteristics in recent years, as well as the variation characteristics of the observation data of CO2, CH4, CO and surface O3 from 1994 to 2017. The results showed that the annual average background concentrations of atmospheric CO2, CH4 and surface O3 gradually increased, but the CO concentration decreased. CO2 was affected by the periodic growth process of terrestrial biological system, the seasonal concentration of CO2 was higher in winter and spring, and lower in summer and autumn, which was consistent with the results of overseas observation and its global distribution. The trends of CH4 and CO were basically consistent with the overall variation in the Northern Hemisphere, but the fluctuations of growth rates from year to year were different from the global average. The surface O3 was characterized by its unique seasonal variation, higher in late spring and early summer, due to the influence of topography, long distance transport and lower stratospheric input. The backward trajectory analysis showed that the station was mainly affected by the airflow from the north and northeast in winter and spring, and the airflow from the west in summer. As a transitional season from summer to winter, autumn was affected by various weather systems alternately, and the trajectory was evenly distributed in different direction.
Key words:
- Mt.Waliguan /
- background station /
- atmospheric composition /
- backward trajectory
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