Dry deposition of water-soluble inorganic ions in PM2.5 above urban forest
摘要: 森林被誉为"地球之肺",在防霾治污方面有其独特不可替代的作用,不同树种沉降PM2.5的功能有很大差别.本文选取代表性城市森林——奥林匹克森林公园为研究对象,设置垂直监测塔观测大气PM2.5的浓度垂直分布,以考察不同季节城市森林对PM2.5中各组分的影响.在冬季、春季和夏季各采集PM2.5样品,分析并计算PM2.5中Na+、NH4+、K+、Mg2+、Ca2+、Cl-、NO3-和SO42-等典型水溶性无机离子的浓度.结果表明,PM2.5中水溶性无机离子总浓度呈规律性变化特征:冬季((56.90±27.38)μg·m-3) > 春季((46.69±12.24)μg·m-3) > 夏季((23.16±8.75)μg·m-3).其中SO42-和NO3-浓度和占PM2.5主要水溶性无机离子总浓度的50%以上.3个季节中,除冬季外,在春季和夏季,8种离子有明显的垂直方向上的沉降,夏季的沉降速率高于春季,但是春季由于大气颗粒物浓度高,沉降通量高于夏季.NO3-和SO42-垂直方向的沉降量在所有可溶性无机离子中最高.植被密度、叶面积指数、气象条件等因素对于PM2.5的沉降特征有明显影响.Abstract: As the "lung of the earth", forests play a unique and irreplaceable role in haze prevention and pollution control. Different tree species have different functions in settling PM2.5. In this paper, Olympic Forest Park, a representative urban forest, was selected as the research object, and a vertical monitoring tower was set up to observe the vertical distribution of atmospheric PM2.5 concentration, so as to investigate the impact of urban forests in different seasons on the components of PM2.5. The PM2.5 samples were collected in winter, spring and summer, and the concentrations of typical water-soluble inorganic ions such as Na+, NH4+, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+, Cl-, NO3- and SO42- in PM2.5 were analyzed and calculated. The results showed that the total concentration of water-soluble inorganic ions in PM2.5 showed regular changes:((56.90±27.38) μg·m-3) > in winter ((46.69±12.24) μg·m-3) > in summer ((23.16±8.75) μg·m-3). The concentration of SO42- and NO3- accounted for more than 50% of the total concentration of major water-soluble inorganic ions in PM2.5. In the three seasons, except for winter, 8 kinds of ions had obvious vertical deposition in spring and summer. The deposition rate in summer was higher than that in spring, but the precipitation flux in spring was higher than that in summer due to the high concentration of atmospheric particles. The vertical deposition of NO3- and SO42- was the highest among all soluble inorganic ions. Vegetation density, leaf area index (LAI), meteorological conditions and other factors have a significant impact on the dry deposition characteristics of PM2.5.
Key words:
- urban forest /
- PM2.5 /
- water-soluble inorganic ions /
- deposition /
- forest canopy
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