Analysis of chemical characteristics, distribution and cause of formation of brackish water in Alar City, Xinjiang
摘要: 准确查明苦咸水分布、水化学特征及成因对此类非常规水资源的开发利用及当地水安全保障能力的提高具有重要意义.通过对新疆阿拉尔市地下水进行采样分析,利用水化学图解、描述性统计分析、离子比值法、饱和指数法等方法分析苦咸水的水化学特征及形成机制.结果表明,研究区苦咸水水化学类型以HCO3·SO4·Cl-Na·Ca·Mg、SO4·Cl-Na·Mg和SO4·Cl-Na型为主,苦咸水分布面积2163.45 km2,占总面积的77.26%,主要分布在平原水库下游及塔里木河在该市范围内的后段,苦咸水的形成主要受蒸发-浓缩作用的影响,其次是岩石风化作用,同时,人类活动对研究区苦咸水的空间分布也施加了一定的积极影响.Abstract: Accurate identification of brackish water distribution, hydrochemical characteristics and causes is of great significance to the development and utilization of this kind of unconventional water resources and the improvement of local water security capacity. By sampling and analyzing the groundwater in Alar, Xinjiang, the hydrochemical characteristics and formation mechanism of brackish water are analyzed by means of hydrochemical diagram, descriptive statistical analysis, ion ratio method and saturation index methods. The results showed that the main chemical types of brackish water in the study area were HCO3·SO4·Cl-Na·Ca·Mg, SO4·Cl-Na·Mg and SO4·Cl-Na. The area of brackish water was 2163.45 km2, accounting for 77.26% of the total area, which was distributed mainly in the downstream of plain reservoir and the back section of the Tarim River within the city. The formation of brackish water was mainly affected by the action of evaporation-concentration, followed by rock weathering, while human activities have also exerted a positive impact on the spatial distribution of brackish water in the study area.
Key words:
- Alar City /
- brackish water /
- water chemistry characteristics /
- cause analysis
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