二噁英(polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans,PCDD/Fs)是多氯代二苯并-对-二噁英(polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins,PCDDs)和多氯代二苯并呋喃(polychlorinated dibenzofurans,PCDFs)的总称. PCDD/Fs是《关于持久性有机污染物的斯德哥尔摩公约》中首批持久性污染物之一,具有高毒性、环境持久性、长距离迁移性和生物累积性[1]. 在造纸过程中,PCDD/Fs主要产生于纸浆的含氯漂白阶段[2-6],其主要来源于未漂浆中二苯并-对-二噁英或二苯并呋喃(dibenzo-p-dioxin and dibenzofuran,DBD/F)的直接氯化和不可萃取态前体的转化[7-9]. 实际上,DBD/F广泛存在于环境体系中,在木材、水和空气中也检测到DBD/F[8, 10]. 工业过程中DBD/F的含量常常几个数量级地高于PCDD/Fs,且DBD/F的氯化也是PCDD/Fs生成的重要途径[11]. 而未漂浆中含量较高的酚类,如苯酚、愈创木酚和儿茶酚[12],它们在氯漂白中生成氯化的酚类[13],成为一种可吸附性有机卤化物而进入漂白浆和废液. 其中苯酚是氯化反应中最常见的酚类[14-16],愈创木酚是木素降解的主要结构单元[17],儿茶酚作为一种二羟基苯类物质,其氯化和降解也得到了研究[16, 18]. 我们最近对水溶液和纸浆体系中DBD/F氯化生成PCDD/Fs的动力学和途径做了探索[9]. 但是,目前鲜有对DBD/F和酚类共存体系的氯化研究. 由于DBD/F和酚类在环境中的普遍存在性,对酚类存在时DBD/F氯化生成PCDD/Fs的研究是有必要的.
Effect of representative phenols in pulp on the chlorination of dibenzo-p-dioxin/dibenzofuran into polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans
摘要: 二苯并-对-二噁英/二苯并呋喃(DBD/F)的直接氯化是纸浆氯漂白过程中形成多氯代二噁英(PCDD/Fs)的重要途径. 纸浆中的酚类在氯化漂白过程中也将消耗氯而生成氯化产物. 本文在模拟纸浆氯漂白的实验条件下,对实验环境中的DBD/F进行检测,排除了背景DBD/F值对实验的干扰后,研究了纸浆中含量较高的酚类(苯酚、愈创木酚和儿茶酚)对DBD/F氯化生成PCDD/Fs的转化率和同系物模式的影响. 发现酚类的加入使DBD/F氯化生成PCDD/Fs的氯化度下降;一定剂量酚类的加入会使体系中DBD/F氯化生成PCDD/Fs的转化率增大,当超出剂量范围后,DBD/F氯化生成PCDD/Fs得到抑制,不同酚类的效应大小各不相同.
- 酚类 /
- 二苯并-对-二噁英/二苯并呋喃 /
- 二噁英 /
- 氯化
Abstract: Direct chlorination of dibenzo-p-dioxin/dibenzofuran (DBD/F) is an important way to form polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) during chlorine bleaching of pulp. The phenols in the pulp also consume chlorine during the chlorine bleaching process to produce corresponding chlorinated products. In this study, under the condition of simulating the chlorine bleaching of pulp, the DBD/F in the experimental environment was detected, and the background DBD/F value was excluded from the experiment. The effect of phenols (phenol, guaiacol and catechol) with high content in pulp on the conversion efficiency and homolog distribution of PCDD/Fs generated from DBD/F chlorination was studied. It was found that the degree of chlorination of PCDD/Fs decreased with the addition of phenols. The addition of a certain amount of phenols increased the conversion rate of DBD/F to PCDD/Fs in the system. When the phenolic dosage was exceeded, the chlorination of DBD/F to PCDD/Fs was inhibited, and the effects of different phenols were different.-
Key words:
- phenols /
- DBD/F /
- PCDD/Fs /
- chlorination
图 3 水、苯酚、愈创木酚和儿茶酚体系中DBD/F氯化生成PCDD/Fs的同系物分布模式.Spike level 1−4分别表示酚类的投入量为0.5 g,而DBF/DBD的投入量为:0/0、1000/100、2000/200、4000/400 ng.
Figure 3. Homologous distribution patterns of PCDD/Fs generated by DBD/F chlorination in pure water and water spiked with phenol, guaiacol and catechol. Spike level 1−4 indicates that the input of phenols was 0.5 g, and the input of DBF/DBD was: 0/0, 1000/100, 2000/200, 4000/400 ng, respectively.
图 4 苯酚、愈创木酚和儿茶酚不同用量时DBD/F氯化生成PCDD/Fs的同系物分布模式.DBF和DBD的投入量分别为2000 ng和200 ng,酚类的投入量分别为0.25、0.5、0.75、1.0 g.
Figure 4. Homologues distribution patterns of PCDD/Fs generated by chlorination of DBD/F at different dosage of phenol, guaiacol and catechol wherein the input amounts of DBF and DBD were 2000 ng and 200 ng respectively, and the input amounts of phenols were 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 and 1.0 g, respectively.
图 5 苯酚、愈创木酚和儿茶酚不同用量时DBD/F氯化生成PCDD/Fs的含量DBF和DBD的投入量分别为2000 ng和200 ng,酚类的投入量分别为0、0.25、0.5、0.75、1.0 g.
Figure 5. Content of PCDD/Fs generated by chlorination of DBD/F at different dosage of phenol, guaiacol and catechol, wherein the input amounts of DBF and DBD were 2000 ng and 200 ng respectively, and the input amounts of phenols were 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 and 1.0 g, respectively.
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