随着工业化程度的提高,哮喘、过敏性鼻炎、湿疹等过敏性疾病在全世界范围内呈逐年增高的趋势[1-2],世界卫生组织(WHO)已经把过敏性疾病列为“21世纪重点研究和预防的疾病”。目前全球已有大量研究证实了尘螨与过敏性哮喘、过敏性鼻炎、湿疹等过敏性疾病密切相关[3-4]。尘螨在全世界各个国家都有分布,全世界范围内最为常见的尘螨种类是屋尘螨(Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus)和粉尘螨(Dermatophagoides farinae)[5]。尘螨中的某些蛋白质被认为是导致过敏的主要成分。免疫学研究证明,I类过敏原蛋白是引发尘螨过敏性疾病的主要因素,超过80%的尘螨过敏患者对I类过敏原蛋白(粉尘螨I类过敏原蛋白Der f1 和屋尘螨I类过敏原蛋白 Der p1)的皮肤针刺试验和血清IgE检测呈阳性[6].
本研究利用高效液相色谱-质谱联用技术,选择尘螨主要过敏原蛋白Der f 1和Der p 1及其硝化产物nitrated Der f 1和nitrated Der p 1为研究对象,建立能够同时测定环境中两种尘螨主要过敏原蛋白含量及其硝化产物的定量检测方法。并应用该方法检测环境样本中两种尘螨过敏原蛋白及其硝化产物,通过定量检测环境中的尘螨过敏原蛋白的含量水平为进一步揭示环境中尘螨过敏性疾病的健康风险以及有效预防和避免尘螨过敏提供可靠依据。
Identification of house dust mite allergens and their nitrated products
摘要: 过敏原蛋白是引发尘螨过敏性疾病的主要因素。空气污染物O3和NOX能够引起过敏原蛋白的硝化,从而增强其致敏性。然而,目前还缺乏尘螨过敏原蛋白硝化产物的准确定量方法。本文建立了一种能够同时测定环境中两种主要尘螨过敏原蛋白(Der f 1和Der p 1)及其硝化产物(Nitrated Der f 1和Nitrated Der p 1)的检测方法。该方法将样品中的过敏原蛋白酶解消化成小分子的多肽,通过超高效液相色谱-串联质谱法(UPLC-MS/MS)测定小分子多肽,从而对过敏原蛋白及其硝化产物进行定性和定量分析。该方法采用同位素内标法定量,方法检测限(MDL)为0.33 µg·g−1(Der p 1)—0.57 µg·g−1(Nitrated Der p 1),相对回收率在43.0%—80.0%之间,方法选择性好,准确度和分析通量高。利用该方法对办公室灰尘中的尘螨过敏原蛋白及其硝化产物进行分析,结果表明所测灰尘样本中Der f 1含量为0.84—1.36 µg·g−1,Nitrated Der f 1含量为3.71—35.6 µg·g−1,Der p 1含量为10.3—30.0 µg·g−1,Nitrated Der p 1含量为2.16—8.54 µg·g−1。Der f 1硝化率为80%—96%,Der p 1硝化率为14%—43%。风险评估结果显示所测灰尘样本的风险指数(RI)值为9—38,均处于高风险水平。Abstract: Allergen is the main contributor of allergic diseases caused by dust mite. Airborne pollutants O3 and NOx can lead to nitration of allergens, resulting in increase of the sensitization of these allergens. However, there is no accurate method to quantify the nitrated products of dust mite allergens up to date. A method was developed for the simultaneously determination of house dust mite allergens (Der f 1 and Der p 1) and their nitrated products (Nitrated Der f 1 and Nitrated Der p 1) in the environment. In this method, the allergen in the sample was enzymatically digested into small molecule polypeptides, and the small molecule polypeptides were determined by ultra-high performance liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS/MS), so as to conduct qualitative and quantitative analysis of allergens and their nitrated products. Isotope internal standards were employed for quantification. The method detection limits (MDL) ranged from 0.33 µg·g−1 of Der p 1 to 0.57 µg·g−1 of Nitrated Der p 1. The relative recoveries were 43.0%—80.0% for the analytes. The method showed good selectivity, high accuracy and analytical throughput. The house dust mite allergens and their nitrated products in office dusts were analyzed by this method. The results showed that the content of Der f 1 in the dust samples was 0.84—1.36 µg·g−1, the content of Nitrated Der f 1 was 3.71—35.6 µg·g−1, the content of Der p 1 was10.3—30.0 µg·g−1, and the content of Nitrated Der p 1 was 2.16—8.54 µg·g−1.The nitrification rate was 80%—96% for Der f 1 and 14%—43% for Der p 1, respectively. The risk assessment showed that the risk index (RI) value of the measured dust samples was 9—38, all of which were at a high risk level.
Key words:
- house dust mite /
- allergens /
- nitration /
- air pollution /
- liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry /
- risk
表 1 重组蛋白Der f 1和Der p 1的氨基酸序列
Table 1. Amino acid sequences of the recombinant proteins Der f 1 and Der p 1
Note: the underlined character in bold stands for the signature peptide identified in the present study and the slanted character in the signature peptide stands for tyrosine.表 1 4种特征多肽及其同位素多肽的仪器参数
Table 1. Instrumental parameters of 4 signature peptides and their isotope-labeled peptides
Retention time反应离子对
Collision energy对应内标物
Internal standardAR-8 3.15 497.3 > 647.3* 2 20 13C614N4-AR-8 497.3 > 775.3 2 20 NO2-AR-8 3.88 519.8 > 692.3* 2 20 13C614N4-AR-8 519.8 > 820.3 2 20 SR-12 4.41 695.1 > 819.3* 16 20 13C614N4-SR-12 695.1 > 966.4 16 20 NO2-SR-12 5.05 717.6 > 819.3* 70 25 13C614N4-SR-12 717.6 > 966.4 70 25 13C614N4-AR-8 3.15 502.3 > 657.3* 2 20 502.3 > 785.3 2 20 13C614N4-SR-12 4.41 700.1 > 829.3* 2 20 700.1 > 976.4 2 20 *定量离子对.
* Quantification transition.表 2 4种特征多肽的方法参数
Table 2. Method parameters of 4 signature peptides
Peptides/Proteins基质效应ME /% 相对回收率Rr/% 仪器检测限a
(ng·g−1)5 ng·mL−1 50 ng·mL−1 5 ng·mL−1 50 ng·mL−1 AR-8 20.2 17.3 75.8 68.8 0.013 1.75 NO2−AR-8 38.3 45.5 80.0 64.2 0.012 1.61 SR-12 32.9 40.5 50.4 75.5 0.010 0.31 NO2−SR-12 22.7 21.2 43.0 56.2 0.014 0.56 Der f 1 408.33 nitrated Der f 1 355.83 Der p 1 327.87 nitrated Der p 1 568.6 aIDL值为不同浓度计算得到的最小值. aIDL value is the minimum value calculated at different concentrations.
b对于多肽,MDL计算中的相对回收率 R r值取5、50 ng·mL-1两种加标浓度下的平均值。对于过敏原蛋白,MDL计算中选取的酶解效率为酶/底物为1:100时的效率. bIn calculation of MQL for peptides, R r value is the average of two spiking levels of 5 ng·mL−1 and 50 ng·mL−1. In calculation of MQL for allergen proteins, enzymolysis efficiency is the efficiency when the enzyme/substrate is 1:100. -
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