Research progress on the environment concentration,analytical methods and toxicity evaluation of iodinated X-ray contrast medias
摘要: 碘代X射线造影剂(ICMs)是使用最广泛的血管内药物,近年来在水生环境中频繁检出.由于其高稳定性、高极性和持久性,ICMs会在水生环境中持续存在并且难以被降解.在水生环境中会与消毒剂、天然有机物结合生成具有毒性的消毒副产物(DBPs),由于其本身毒性以及转化产物DBPs的毒性增强了环境健康风险,进而引发了人们的密切关注.本文介绍了ICMs的环境浓度、分析方法以及毒性风险.重点描述了ICMs的前处理技术、检测方法及ICMs毒性评价现状,并展望了以后ICMs毒性的研究方向.Abstract: Iodinated X-ray contrast medias (ICMs) are the most widely used intravascular agents and have been frequently detected in aquatic environments in recent years. Due to its high stability, high polarity and persistence, ICMs will persist in aquatic environments and be difficult to degrade. In the aquatic environment, it will combine with disinfectants and natural organic substances to form toxic disinfection by-products (DBPs). Due to its own toxicity and the toxicity of the transformed product DBPs, it has aroused people's close attention. The environmental concentration, analysis method and toxicity risk of ICMs were introduced. This paper mainly described the pretreatment technology, detection methods and toxicity evaluation of ICMs, and prospected the future research direction of ICMs toxicity.
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