Oxygenated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the environment: A review
摘要: 氧化多环芳烃(OPAHs)是芳环上具有至少一个羰基氧(CO)的PAH衍生物,广泛存在于环境中.氧化多环芳烃主要通过含碳燃料的燃烧和PAHs的转化释放到环境中,且其较稳定难降解,因此OPAHs被称为生物和化学降解的"末端产物".目前,在多种动物组织样本中都可检测出OPAHs,并发现OPAHs可能比亲代PAHs具有更强的毒性.本文阐述了OPAHs的理化性质、来源、测定方法、环境分布、转运和转化、(生态)毒理学效应及其毒性作用机制,并对今后的研究方向进行了展望,进而为该类化合物的环境污染及生态风险评估提供相应参考.Abstract: Oxygenated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (OPAHs) as the derivatives of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), which contain at least one functional groups (carbonyl-functional groups) attached with hydrogen on the aromatic ring, prevalent in the environment. OPAHs are mainly formed and released into the environment from the incomplete combustion of carbon-based materials. OPAHs have been proposed to be ‘end products’ of many biological and chemical degradation due to its stability. OPAHs could be detected in many different animal tissues samples. Meanwhile, limited studies demonstrated that the toxicity of OPAHs were more than their parent PAHs. Here, we presented a systematic review on the physicochemical properties, methods of determination, formation and migration in environment, (eco)toxicity and its mechanisms. Furthermore, we looked to the future research directions on OPAHs, and provided reference for this kind of persistent organic pollutants assessment of environmental pollution and ecological risk.
Key words:
- oxygenated PAHs /
- environmental pollution /
- toxic effects
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