污泥是污水处理的副产物,含水率高,易腐烂,并含有大量的病原菌以及多环芳烃、矿物油和苯并芘等难降解微量有机污染物,处置不当极易对土壤、水体等造成污染[1]。GEP Research报告显示,2017年全球主要经济体累计污泥产量高达1.37亿吨,其中中国占比40%;2018年中国污泥总产量为5665万吨,年增长率为4%[2]。因此,污泥减量化、稳定化与资源化,是我国乃至全世界环境界面临的一个极具挑战性的课题。
厌氧消化工艺因其能耗低、稳定性好、产生富含甲烷的生物能源等优点,被广泛用于污水污泥处理[3]。污泥厌氧消化包括水解、酸化、乙酸化和产甲烷4个阶段,其中水解被普遍认为是厌氧消化的限速步骤[4]。为提高水解速率,众多学者提出了超声[5]、热水解[6]、微波辐射[7]、碱解[8]、酸化[8-9]、臭氧氧化[10]、Fe(Ⅱ)/S2O82− 氧化[11]或多种技术组合等预处理工艺来强化污泥溶胞,加速厌氧消化进程。
在这些预处理方法中,Fe(Ⅱ)/S2O82− 氧化法被发现具有巨大的潜力。过硫酸盐在水中能分解形成具有强氧化性的过硫酸盐阴离子(S2O82−),进而在二价铁[Fe(Ⅱ)]的活化作用下产生强大的硫酸根自由基(SO4−.)[12]。硫酸根自由基具有很高的氧化还原电位,可以迅速转化并降解胞外聚合物,破坏污泥絮凝结构[13],从而促进有机物的水解。微波辐射的作用则主要包括热效应与非热效应,前者通过高温促使胞外聚合物解体,后者通过产生外部电磁场从而引起胞内水分子偶极化及高速旋转进而导致细胞壁的机械性破裂[14],反应迅速,成本低廉。近年来微波与其他预处理工艺相结合的方法引起了众多学者的研究兴趣[15],Zhen等[11]曾对污泥微波-Fe(Ⅱ)/S2O82− 耦合预处理促进污泥脱水进行实验分析,发现其对增强污泥溶裂的效果显著,但在厌氧消化方面尚未有文献进行深入研究。
因此,本研究系统探讨了微波-Fe(Ⅱ)/S2O82− 耦合预处理对污泥溶裂、甲烷转化以及有机物降解的影响,并借助一级动力学模型拟合和解析污泥代谢动态和甲烷转化行为,为污泥预处理与厌氧甲烷转化提供数据和理论支撑。
Enhancement for the rupture of waste activated sludge cells and directional methane conversion based on microwave-Fe(Ⅱ)/S2O82− combined pretreatment
摘要: 本研究探讨了微波-Fe(Ⅱ)/S2O82− 耦合预处理对污泥溶裂、甲烷转化以及有机物降解的影响,结果表明,单一微波预处理可促进污泥厌氧消化,而微波-Fe(Ⅱ)/S2O82− 耦合预处理则有利于强化污泥细胞溶裂,缩短厌氧停留时间,提高有机质去除率,处理效果与微波瓦数和氧化剂投加量成正比。其中,微波辐射640 W,Fe(Ⅱ)/S2O82− = 0.8/1.0 mmol·g−1-TS为最佳预处理条件,此时污泥溶解性多糖(soluble polysaccharides,SPS)增溶量较对照组高7.5倍,厌氧产气率仅在4 d即可达到峰值,厌氧停留时间较其他预处理污泥缩短约75.7%,且SPS去除率达到98.6%。一级动力学模型模拟揭示,污泥水解速率与产甲烷性能无必然联系,基质本身的产甲烷潜力则是影响和决定其最终甲烷产量的关键制约因子。能量评估结果进一步表明,尽管耦合预处理未能获得明显的能量输出,但单位干基污泥的处理能耗节约20.1 kWh·kg−1,仅为原来的45% — 60%。Abstract: In this study, the effect of microwave (MW)-Fe(Ⅱ)/S2O82− combined pretreatment on sludge cells rupture, biodegradability and subsequent methane producing potential were investigated. The results demonstrated that single microwave pretreatment could promote the anaerobic digestion of sludge, while the combined process could greatly promote the lysis of sludge cells, shorten the hydraulic retention time, and improve the removal rate of organics. The enhancement effect showed a close correlation with the applied MW power and oxidant dosage. The optimal condition was observed to be MW 640 W and Fe(Ⅱ)/S2O82− 0.8/1.0 mmol·g−1-TS. Under this condition, the solubilization degree of the sludge was 7.5-time higher than the control and the peak of methane production in subsequent anaerobic digestion was obtained after only 4 days, with 75.7% shorter start-up time than other samples. Also, the biodegradation of organic matter, especially soluble polysaccharides, reached the highest of up to 98.6%. The further analysis by fitting with the first-order dynamic model demonstrated that the potential of methane production rather than the hydrolysis rate was necessarily related to methane production. Although a net energy output was not realized even under the optimal pretreatment conditions, the current result can save at least 20.1 kWh of specific energy consumption per kilogram dry sludge, which was only 45%—60% of traditional energy consumption.
Key words:
- Sewage sludge /
- anaerobic digestion /
- microwave /
- Fe(Ⅱ)/S2O82− /
- methane production /
- first-order dynamic model
表 1 剩余污泥与接种污泥的基本性质
Table 1. Properties of Waste Activated Sludge and Seed Sludge
Waste Activated Sludge接种污泥
Seed SludgeTS /(g·L−1) 36.33 ± 0.2 29.30 ± 0.4 VS /(g·L−1) 18.39 ± 1.0 14.92 ± 0.2 pH 7.51 ± 0.0 7.49 ± 0.0 TCOD /(mg·L−1) 15382.78 ± 547.7 18712.18 ± 862.6 SCOD/ (mg·L−1) 618.16 ± 1.7 420.27 ± 1.7 TPN /(mg·L−1) 2536.24 ± 61.7 2555.93 ± 145.2 SPN/ (mg·L−1) 46.97 ± 2.0 37.63 ± 2.2 TPS /(mg·L−1) 1602.32 ± 171.1 1981.31 ± 101.8 SPS /(mg·L−1) 19.02 ± 1.3 13.76 ± 0.9 AN /(mg·L−1) 290.49 ± 36.8 306.26 ± 4.1 注:TS: total solids,总固体;VS:volatile solids,挥发性固体;TCOD:total chemical oxygen demand,总化学需氧量;SCOD:soluble chemical oxygen demand,溶解性化学需氧量;TPN:total protein,总蛋白质;SPN:soluble protein,溶解性蛋白质;TPS:total polysaccharides,总多糖;SPS:soluble polysaccharides,溶解性多糖;AN:ammonia nitrogen,氨氮. 表 2 不同预处理条件下一级动力学模型的估计参数
Table 2. Estimated parameters of first-order kinetic model under different pretreatment conditions
Raw sludge320 W 640 W 0/0 0.4/0.5 0.8/1.0 0/0 0.4/0.5 0.8/1.0 Bm/(mL·g−1−VS) 229.43 341.56 114.92 78.24 415.22 124.10 114.00 fd/(mL·g−1−VS) 280.7 408.2 122.6 82.1 437.2 136.4 119.5 khyd/d−1 0.049 0.044 0.120 0.174 0.069 0.106 0.173 R2 — 0.994 0.958 0.919 0.996 0.955 0.918 Adjust R2 0.755 0.994 0.956 0.913 0.996 0.952 0.912 Bp/(mL·g−1−VS) 235.49 329.19 121.18 81.96 402.65 133.69 119.35 Diff./% 2.64 3.62 5.44 4.76 3.03 7.73 4.69 RSS(103) 16.300 0.903 0.597 0.912 0.979 0.057 1.973 rMSPE 11.14 22.74 11.50 6.85 23.11 17.63 9.83 AIC 118.82 72.52 65.91 72.69 73.83 28.33 85.04 注:Bm:测得的最终甲烷产量;Bp:预测的最终甲烷产量;R2:相关系数;Diff.(%):Bm和Bp之差,即Diff.(%) =| Bm - Bp | / Bm×100;RSS:残差平方和;rMSPE:均方根预测误差;AIC:赤池信息准则。其中,rMSPE和AIC是根据El-Mashad等 [41]提出的方法计算的。 表 3 最佳预处理条件的能量平衡(kWh·kg-1-VS)
Table 3. Energy balance under the optimal preconditioning conditions
Parameter320 W-0.8/1.0 mmol·g−1-TS 640 W-0.8/1.0 mmol·g−1-TS 输入能量Energy applied 7.4 14.8 甲烷能量含量Energy content of methane 0.7 1.0 净能量产量Net energy production −6.7 −13.9 -
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