Research progress in the environmental behavior and pollution control of metal and metal oxide nanoparticles in water
摘要: 金属(氧化物)纳米材料在生产和使用过程中,可以通过各种途径进入到水环境中,对水生生物、生态环境和人体健康产生威胁.理解纳米颗粒在水体中的环境行为,对于评估纳米材料的归趋及其对环境和人体的健康风险至关重要.本文概述了金属(氧化物)纳米颗粒的性质、来源和毒性危害,汇总了表征纳米颗粒浓度、粒径及形貌的分析方法与技术,分析了它们在水环境中的环境行为以及影响其稳定性的主要环境因素,并总结了水体中金属(氧化物)纳米颗粒的去除方法和效果的最新研究进展.随着金属(氧化物)纳米材料的广泛应用,未来有必要加强对自然水体中纳米颗粒环境行为的研究,并系统开展纳米颗粒健康风险评估工作,为预测纳米材料进入水环境后的归趋和风险提供科学依据.
- 金属(氧化物)纳米颗粒 /
- 分析技术 /
- 环境行为 /
- 毒理效应 /
- 污染控制
Abstract: Metal and metal oxide nanoparticles (Me(O) NPs) can enter the water environment in various ways, posing a potentially significant threat to aquatic organisms, the ecological environment, and human health. Understanding the environmental behavior of Me(O) NPs in water is essential for assessing their fate and risk to the environment and human health. This review summarizes the property, sources and toxicity of Me(O) NPs, as well as the analytical techniques for characterizing the concentration, size and morphology of Me(O) NPs. The environmental behavior of Me(O) NPs in water and the key environmental factors that affect their stability are discussed. The latest research progress in the methods for removal of Me(O) NPs from water and their performances are also presented. With the widespread application of Me(O) NPs, it is necessary to strengthen the research on the environmental behavior of Me(O) NPs in natural aquatic environment and systematically assess the health risk of Me(O) NPs. Such knowledge will lay the scientific foundation for predicting the fate and risk of Me(O) NPs released into the aquatic environment. -
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