Study on the behavior of nanoparticles and biologically-derived organic phosphates in the water environment
摘要: 随着纳米技术产业的快速发展,各种纳米颗粒(NPs)大规模生产,这不可避免地增加了NPs释放到环境、暴露于生态系统的可能性.有机磷是废水中磷的主要形式之一,是生物有效磷池和水体富营养化的重要组成部分.本文综述了近几年来NPs与生物来源有机磷在水环境中的反应机制、微观结构等方面的研究进展.文中按NPs的分类分别总结了NPs对常见的生物来源有机磷的吸附-解吸,溶解-沉淀等反应特性和微观机制.在水环境中,NPs因其物化特性受水化学条件(pH、天然有机质、温度)等影响,进而影响与有机磷的反应,从而表现出相应不同的环境效应.本文也对此方面的研究进行了讨论和总结.最后分析了目前纳米颗粒与有机磷在水环境研究中的瓶颈问题,并展望了未来需要开展的研究.Abstract: The rapid development of the nanotechnology sector results in the large-scale production of nanoparticles (NPs). This inevitably raises the possibility of releasing NPs to the environment and the ecosystem. Organic phosphorus is one of the main forms of phosphorus in wastewater, and a key contributor to biologically available phosphorus pools and eutrophication of water bodies. This paper reviewed the research progress in recent years in reaction mechanism and microstructure of NPs and biologically-derived organic phosphorus in the water environment. Based on the classification of NPs, this paper summarized the reaction characteristics such as adsorption-desorption, and dissolution-precipitation of NPs on biologically-derived organic phosphorus, as well as the micro-mechanism. In the water environment, NPs are affected by water chemical conditions (pH, natural organic matter, temperature) due to physicochemical properties. As a result, the reactions between NPs with organic phosphorus vary and exhibit different environmental behavior. This paper discussed and summarized the researches on NPs and organic phosphorus in the aquatic environment, analyzed the bottleneck problem and explored the further research to be carried out as well.
Key words:
- nanoparticels /
- organic phosphorus /
- adsorption /
- water environment
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