Activation of peracetic acid process for aquatic organic pollutants degradation: A review
摘要: 过氧乙酸(peracetic acid,PAA)是一种广谱、高效、环保型消毒剂.近年来,基于活化过氧乙酸的高级氧化技术由于适用pH范围广、产生毒副产物少及具备一定剩余消毒能力等优点在水体有机污染物去除方面受到了越来越多的关注.本文介绍了PAA的性质,综述了活化PAA技术去除水体有机污染物的基本原理及研究现状,分析了活化PAA技术去除有机污染物的主要影响因素(pH及水质组分).最后提出了该技术目前面临的问题及未来发展方向,以期为开发可实际应用于饮用水/污水深度处理的活化PAA技术提供借鉴.Abstract: Peracetic acid (PAA) is an environmentally friendly disinfectant with broad-spectrum antibacterial activity and high efficiency. In recent years, advanced oxidation process based on activated peracetic acid has received increasing attention in the treatment of aquatic organic pollutants due to its wide applicable pH range, less toxic by-products formation and certain residual disinfection capabilities. This article introduces the properties of PAA, summarizes the basic principles and research status of activated PAA process to remove aquatic organic pollutants, and analyzes the main influencing factors (pH and water constituents) of activated PAA process for aquatic organic pollutants removal. Finally, the current challenges and possible development direction of activated PAA process are proposed. This review may provide a reference for the development of activated PAA process that could be used in advanced water/wastewater treatment.
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