Generation and utilization of radicals during enhanced permanganate oxidation: A review
摘要: 高锰酸钾在水处理行业中的应用已趋于成熟,但与臭氧、芬顿及其他高级氧化技术相比,高锰酸钾与难降解有机污染物的反应速率较低,需要与其它方法联用来强化自身的氧化能力.近年来随着对强化高锰酸钾氧化机理研究的不断深入,人们发现该体系中产生的自由基对有机污染物的降解有显著的促进作用.为此本文综述了强化高锰酸钾氧化体系中各类无机与有机自由基的产生路径和促进有机污染物降解的机制,提出了后续的研究展望,以期为强化高锰酸钾氧化技术的进一步推广提供理论依据.Abstract: Permanganate (Mn(Ⅶ)) has been widely applied as an oxidant in water treatment plants. However, compared with ozone, Fenton and other advanced oxidation processes, the reaction rate of refractory organic pollutants with Mn(Ⅶ) is relatively low. Therefore, further studies on the strategies to enhance the performance of Mn(Ⅶ) are valuable. Enhanced Mn(Ⅶ) oxidation by coupling with other oxidants or processes were evaluated in recent years. The in situ formed radicals responsible for accelerated organic contaminants degradation were observed. Therefore, the generation and utilization inorganic and organic radicals in enhanced Mn(Ⅶ) oxidation system were summarized and discussed, and the prospects about enhanced permanganate oxidation were proposed in this review. This review is expected to shed some light on the application of enhanced Mn(Ⅶ) oxidation technology in large-scale water treatment.
Key words:
- permanganate /
- oxidation technology /
- organic contaminants /
- radicals /
- mechanisms
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