Comparative analysis of precipitation isotopes and water vaporsources in Zhengzhou and Fuzhou
摘要: 研究基于郑州与福州两地区GNIP(1985—1992年)大气降水同位素资料,对其大气降水同位素的季节变化以及环境因子进行比较分析。结果表明,郑州地区较福州地区季节变化明显,且两地区与温度和降水量均呈现负相关关系;根据两地区大气降水线方程得出,福州地区大气降水线方程斜率和截距大于郑州地区;两地区的d-excess值夏季高,冬季低;福州地区受台风影响,两地区降水量差别较大导致降水量在决定两地区月加权平均d-excess值时,福州地区整体比郑州地区偏大;采用MeteoInfo软件,并利用由美国国家大气研究中心所提供的气象资料,对两地区气团轨迹进行后向模拟,比较分析得出:郑州地区在夏季大部分水汽来自南海,春季、秋季和冬季的水汽均来自北方大陆;福州地区在夏季的水汽全部水汽来自低纬度的海洋,而春季、秋季和冬季的水汽仅有少部份来自北方大陆。Abstract: Based on the GNIP (1985—1992) global atmospheric precipitation isotope data in Zhengzhou and Fuzhou, the study compares and analyzes the seasonal variation of atmospheric precipitation isotopes and environmental factors, the results show that Zhengzhou region has more obvious seasonal changes than Fuzhou region, and both regions have negative correlations with temperature and precipitation; At the same time, according to local meteoric water line in the two regions, the slope and intercept of the local meteoric water line in Fuzhou are larger than those in Zhengzhou. The d-excess values of the two regions are high in summer and low in winter. The Fuzhou region is affected by the typhoon, and the difference in precipitation between the two regions is large. When determining the monthly weighted average d-excess value of the two regions, Fuzhou is generally larger than Zhengzhou. Using MeteoInfo software and combining global reanalysis data provided by the National Environmental Forecasting Center/National Atmospheric Research Center to track the water vapor sources in the two regions, and the comparative analysis shows that Zhengzhou region has water vapor from the low-latitude ocean in summer, and water vapor from northern continent in spring, autumn, and winter. In Fuzhou, all water vapor in summer comes from low-latitude oceans, while only a small part of water vapor comes from the northern continent in spring, autumn and winter.
Key words:
- atmospheric precipitation /
- Zhengzhou /
- Fuzhou /
- isotope /
- water vapor source
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