机动车(包括汽车、低速汽车、摩托车、挂车和拖拉机等)尾气排放的污染物,如一氧化碳(CO)、未完全燃烧的碳氢化合物(HC)、氮氧化物(NO和NO2,统称NOx)和颗粒物PM(由碳黑Soot内核及其表面吸附的可溶性有机物构成)等,是大气污染的重要来源,也是造成细颗粒物(PM2.5)、臭氧(O3)和光化学烟雾等污染的重要原因。作为汽车尾气污染的典型案例,发生于1940年至1960年间的美国洛杉矶光化学烟雾事件推动了1970年版美国《Clean Air Act(清洁空气法)》的出台,以及1975年将催化净化器引入到汽车尾气处理中[1]。
面对汽车尾气污染的严峻形势及国家的紧迫要求,本文首先简要介绍了汽油车划时代技术—三效催化剂(three way catalysts,简称TWC)的基本原理,接着回顾了世界(美国为代表)治理汽车尾气45年的发展历史,特别是近20年来我国在TWC方面的技术进步和实践,然后重点介绍了稀土储氧材料、载体和涂覆技术、密偶催化剂和四效催化剂等方面的进展,最后对TWC技术的未来和更环保节能的汽油车尾气后处理技术,进行了展望和畅想。
40 years of research and application of three-way catalysts for gasoline automobiles
Abstract:Automobile exhaust has become an important source of air pollution in China, which is the key point for air pollution control. The commercial technology for treatment of automobile exhaust from gasoline and natural gas engines is three-way catalyst (TWC), the most remarkable achievement of catalysis application in the public market, implying an unprecedented significance for pollutant removal. Herein, the basic theory of TWC is first introduced followed with a chronological review of forty-years development of TWC in the world, and especially twenty-years R&D in China. Then, recent progresses on oxygen storage materials based on rare-earth oxides, honeycomb supports, coating techniques, close-coupled catalysts and four-way catalysts are highlighted. Finally, the prospective TWCs and catalytic technologies for lean-burn engines with low gasoline consumption and CO2 emission are proposed.
表 1 蜂窝陶瓷的物理性能
Table 1. Physical properties of honeycomb substrates
Mesh number壁厚/mm
Wall thickness壁厚/ mil
Wall thickness几何表面积/(m2·L−1)
Geometric surface area开口面积率/%
Open facial area200 0.305 12 1.8 68.9 300 0.125 5 2.5 83.4 400(Ceramic) 0.101 4 2.9 84.6 400(FeCrAl) 0.04 1.6 3.2 92 600 0.076 3 3.6 85.8 750 0.063 2.5 4.0 86.8 900 0.051 2 4.4 88.4 蜂窝陶瓷数据来自山东奥福环保科技股份有限公司. 表 2 上、下给料涂覆适用性对比
Table 2. Comparison of applicability for upper- and down-feed coating
上给料涂覆Upper-feed coating 下给料涂覆Down-feed coating 每次涂覆量 高涂覆量15%—30%、精度高 低涂覆量3%—15%、精度较高 涂覆工艺 定量给料、真空抽吸 喷射给料、蜂窝反转、真空抽吸 对浆液要求 含固量高的粘稠浆料、流动性好 含固量低的稀薄浆料、流动性好 适合加工的催化剂 TWC、SCR等 GPF、DPF等 -
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