Hydrochemical characteristics and evolution of groundwater in multi-layer aquifer system in the Dahaize Coalfield
摘要: 研究多层含水层系统地下水化学特征及演化规律对于矿区水资源保护和突水灾害防治具有重要意义。本文运用Piper图解法、离子比值法和反向地球化学模拟研究了我国西北地区大海则井田多层含水层的水化学过程和水质特征。结果表明,不同含水层地下水的水化学类型差异明显,主要表现为浅层地下水水呈以HCO3型为主的淡水,而深层地下水呈以SO4型为主的微咸水和咸水。其中,矿井水和直罗组地下水的水化学类型接近,说明直罗组地下水是矿井水的主要水源,也是潜在的突水水源。此外,通过离子关系和水化学模拟得出,不同矿物的溶解和沉淀以及阳离子交换作用是导致不同含水层地下水水化学类型差异性特征的主要因素。Abstract: It is of great significance for water resources protection and water inrush prevention to study hydrochemical characteristics and evolution of coalfield groundwater in multi-layer aquifer system. The groundwater in Dahaize Coalfield in Northwest China was stored in typical multi-layer aquifers. To get better understanding of its hydrochemical characteristics, hydrogeological field investigations and tests were carried out in the Coalfield. The Piper diagram, ion ratios and inverse geochemical simulation were applied to identify the hydrochemical process and water quality in the multi-layer aquifer. The results showed that the hydrochemical types of the groundwater in the different layers of the aquifer system were significant different. The groundwater in the shallow layers was fresh water with a dominated hydrochemical type of HCO3. However, it was brackish or salty water in the deep layers with a dominated hydrochemical type of SO4. Meanwhile, the hydrochemical type of the mine water was approximately the same with that of the groundwater in Zhiluo group. This indicated that the groundwater in Zhiluo group could be the main source of the mine drainage and water inrush of the Coalfield. As a result of this, together with the ion relationships and hydrochemical simulation results, the dissolution and precipitation of the minerals and cation exchange could be the main factors that influenced the Coalfield hydrochemical types of the groundwater in the different layers of the aquifer system.
Key words:
- multi-layer aquifer /
- hydrochemical evolution /
- inverse modeling /
- Dahaize Coalfield
表 1 研究区水化学数据
Table 1. Hydrochemical data from the study area
ID浓度(mg·L−1) 平衡
TemperaturepH SiO2/
FeSI Na++K+ Ca2+ Mg2+ Cl– HCO3– SO42– 方解石
GypsumQ1 26.4 61.10 4.30 5.30 195.3 57.60 0.29 252.35 14 7.5 10.7 <0.08 –0.04 –1.04 –1.83 Q2 14.5 44.04 12.6 6.04 199.2 20.37 0.45 197.15 13 7.47 7.2 0 –0.2 –0.76 –2.39 LH1 6.81 54.65 8.8 4.92 168.13 23.46 10.58 182.71 14 7.81 10. 6 0.17 0.18 –0.24 –2.24 LH2 18.54 33.95 5.2 6.89 133.98 21 2.76 152.57 15 8.2 10. 6 0.06 0.29 –0.02 –2.44 LH3 47.8 36.1 5.5 8.9 158.6 64.8 5.72 242.4 10 7.7 14.3 <0.08 –0.21 –1.12 –1.97 LH4 44.68 19.95 8.28 14.27 153.51 28.81 3.04 192.75 18 7.7 5 0.1 –0.34 –0.8 –2.55 AD1 211.78 65.41 6 26.02 83.52 513.15 1.07 864.12 13 8.57 14.08 0.18 0.46 0.07 –1.08 AD2 98.81 7.88 9 20.82 164.67 87.26 5.50 306.11 14 8.73 10.6 0.8 0.18 0.62 –2.53 AD3 17.5 53.1 12.2 12.4 210.5 28.8 3.96 229.25 16 7.8 5.4 0.4 0.27 0.12 –2.19 ZL1 539.27 405.5 22 36.43 66.12 2095.57 –0.63 3131.83 16 7.63 15.8 0.04 0.03 –0.99 –0.09 ZL2 537.81 226.46 27.24 41.33 110.56 1631.79 1.71 2519.91 19 7.08 18 0.08 –0.46 –1.58 –0.38 ZL3 535.70 457.88 17.00 44.40 87.00 2180.13 –1.25 3278.61 17 7.73 17.6 0.79 –0.32 –1.8 –0.05 ZL4 436.10 153.30 10.9 48.90 112.90 1176.70 –0.71 1882.35 17 7.9 17 <0.08 0.22 –0.46 –0.58 ZL5 371.80 222.40 4.9 44.30 134.20 1164.70 –0.04 1875.2 19 7.8 15.2 0 0.39 –0.61 –0.44 ZL6 574.80 192.40 13.40 42.50 137.30 1537.00 0.63 2428.75 22 8.5 — 0.17 0.98 1.1 –0.47 ZL7 554.00 80.20 7.30 37.20 91.50 1224.80 2.16 1949.25 23 8.77 — 0.06 0.73 0.73 –0.86 ZL8 398.00 116.20 8.50 39.00 143.40 946.20 2.67 1579.6 18 8.58 — <0.08 0.9 0.92 –0.75 ZL9 682.00 468.90 42.60 42.50 88.50 2617.60 –0.98 3897.85 18 8.49 — 0.1 1 1.22 –0.01 YA1 1086.17 473.24 40.80 42.80 71.34 3442.00 –0.09 5120.68 15 8.52 7.04 0.18 0.84 0.84 0.04 YA2 556.71 435.11 18.8 35.42 55.68 2190.12 –7.29 3264 17 7.7 10.6 0.8 0.05 –1.01 –0.06 YA3 215.94 98.78 8.91 26.67 106.14 605.88 –0.94 1009.25 15 8.18 10.6 0.4 0.37 –0.09 –0.89 YA4 112.6 29.1 6.1 20.2 131.2 194.5 1.29 428.1 13 7.8 4.8 0.04 –0.32 –1.14 –1.68 M1 1368.17 304.8 42.65 161.5 119.6 3436.9 3.18 5373.82 18 7.78 — 0.08 0.21 –0.17 –0.16 M2 1734.4 110.2 31.6 241.1 244.1 3472.6 0.52 5711.95 18 8.22 11.8 0.79 0.5 0.71 –0.6 表 2 不同含水层水化学组分统计(mg·L−1)
Table 2. Statistics of hydrochemical compositions in different aquifers (mg·L−1)
StatisticsNa++K+ Ca2+ Mg2+ Cl− HCO3− SO42− TDS 第四系
Quaternary最大值 26.40 61.10 12.60 6.04 199.20 57.60 263.34 最小值 14.50 44.04 4.30 5.30 195.30 20.37 186.16 第四系
Quaternary平均值 20.45 52.57 8.45 5.67 197.25 38.99 224.75 标准差 5.95 8.53 4.15 0.37 1.95 18.62 38.59 洛河组
group最大值 47.80 54.65 8.80 14.27 168.13 64.80 242.40 最小值 6.81 19.95 5.20 4.92 133.98 21.00 152.57 平均值 29.46 36.16 6.95 8.75 153.56 34.52 192.61 标准差 17.32 12.34 1.61 3.49 12.46 17.71 32.33 安定组
group最大值 211.78 65.41 12.20 26.02 210.50 513.15 864.12 最小值 17.50 7.88 6.00 12.40 83.52 28.80 229.25 平均值 109.36 42.13 9.07 19.75 153.63 209.74 466.86 标准差 79.66 24.73 2.53 5.61 52.68 215.87 282.70 直罗组
Zhiluo group最大值 682.00 468.90 42.60 48.90 143.40 2617.60 3897.85 最小值 371.80 80.20 4.90 36.43 66.12 946.20 1579.60 平均值 514.39 258.14 17.09 41.32 107.94 1619.39 2504.29 标准差 91.25 139.62 11.29 3.71 25.11 532.93 736.86
Yan’an group最大值 1086.17 473.24 40.80 42.80 131.20 3442.00 5120.68 最小值 112.60 29.10 6.10 20.20 55.68 194.50 428.10 平均值 492.86 259.06 18.65 31.27 91.09 1608.13 2455.51 标准差 379.93 197.13 13.63 8.57 29.49 1294.67 1868.08
Mine water最大值 1734.40 304.80 42.65 241.10 244.10 3472.60 5711.95 最小值 1368.17 110.20 31.60 161.50 119.60 3436.90 5373.82 平均值 1551.29 207.50 37.13 201.30 181.85 3454.75 5542.89 标准差 183.12 97.30 5.53 39.80 62.25 17.85 169.07 表 3 不同演化路径的主要矿物饱和指数
Table 3. Main mineral saturation index in different evolution paths
样品编号Sample ID 路径ⅠPath I 路径II Path II 路径III Path III ZL5 ZL3 LH2 LH4 AD2 AD1 SI(石膏Gypsum) −0.44 −0.05 −2.44 −2.55 −2.53 −1.08 SI(方解石Calcite) 0.39 0.32 0.29 0.34 0.18 0.46 SI(白云石Dolomite) −0.61 −1.8 −0.02 −0.8 0.62 0.07 SI(岩盐Halite) −6.43 −6.31 −8.42 −7.74 −7.23 −6.84 SI(CO2) −2.77 −2.25 −3.14 −2.56 −3.6 −3.77 SI(钠长石Albite) −0.68 −0.28 −2.69 −2.79 −2.78 −1.33 表 4 矿物转移量(mmol·L−1)
Table 4. Mineral transfer amount (mmol·L−1)
路径Path ZL5→ZL3 LH2→LH4 AD2→AD1 白云石Dolomite 0.48 0.13 –0.12 方解石Calcite –1.79 –0.09 –1.08 石膏Gypsum 10.62 0.08 4.44 CO2 0.06 0.15 — 岩盐Halite 0.005 0.2 0.13 钠长石Albite 0.26 — 1.18 阳离子交换Cation exchange 6.86 0.94 3.6 注:正值表示矿物发生溶解,进入地下水;负值表示矿物在地下水中沉淀析出离开地下水.
Note: positive value indicate mineral dissolution and enter groundwater; negative value indicate mineral precipitation and leave groundwater. -
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