微生物群落作为环境胁迫的敏感指标,既是生态系统的初级生产者和主要分解者,又是物质循环中的重要成员与物质和能量的贮存者,对生态系统的稳定起决定性作用,同时能够快速反映河流生态系统的状态,菌群的空间分布特征是与环境因子综合作用的结果。由于内河水体的补给以大气降雨、径流汇入、沿河点源排放为主,补给源的水质对于内河的微生物群落组成具有决定性作用[8]。研究环境因子对生物群落多样性、结构、组成以及空间分布格局是生态学的重要内容之一[9]。在城市内河水体的环境因子中,水体理化指标能够直接影响微生物群落的空间分布特征。对黄河中的浮游细菌群落主要受到pH、溶解有机碳(DOC)的影响 [10],我国华南地区的东江中氨氮(NH3-N)和硝态氮(NO3-N)是影响河流浮游细菌群落的主要环境因子[11]。瑞典的14个湖泊中氮磷营养盐(TN、TP)是影响微生物群落多样性的主要环境因子[12]。因此,了解城市内河中微生物群落的空间分布和微生物多样性对于监测生态系统的健康和功能至关重要[13]。
本项目以夏末秋初芜湖城区典型城市内河段作为研究对象,通过16S rRNA高通量测序技术研究了3条内河水体微生物群落的结构和多样性,探讨主要环境因子与微生物群落之间的关系,为预防城市内河水体的返黑返臭现象提供理论基础。
Microbial community structure and its influencing factors in urban river water in Wuhu
摘要: 为研究夏末秋初芜湖城市内河水质波动原因,在综合考虑河段周边土地利用类型、污染源排放等因素的基础上,论文选择芜湖三条代表性城市内河河段(中央城河段、汇成河段、中山南路河段)作为研究对象,布设了18个监测断面,分析了pH、溶解氧(DO)、电导率(EC)、氨氮(NH3-N)和总磷(TP)以及叶绿素a(Chla)等水质指标,采用16S rRNA高通量测序技术测试了微生物群落,分析了微生物群落结构特征。研究结果表明,芜湖市三条城市内河河段细菌多样性丰富,主要菌门种类相似,包括变形菌门(Proteobacteria)、放线菌门(Actinobacteria)蓝细菌门(Cyanobacteria)和拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes),其中汇成河段水中的蓝细菌门(Cyanobacteria)、Chao1指数和Shannon指数最高,蓝细菌门(Cyanobacteria)从上游到下游显著增加,污水管网老化泄漏及点源排放是导致该河段Chao1指数和Shannon指数偏高的主要原因。冗余分析(RDA)表明总氮(TN)在三条城市内河河段的水生细菌群落分布中起关键作用,氨氮(NH3-N)和总磷(TP)以及叶绿素a(Chla)也在不同程度上影响着水体中细菌群落的组成。研究结果为精准高效保障城市内河水质提供了参考。Abstract: To explore planktonic bacteria community structure characteristics and driving factors of Wuhu city inland waters, three representative cities inland river (the central city in the river, the city river, south road section) were selected as the research objects. A total of 18 monitoring cross sections were setup according to the channel length and distribution of outlet. In this study, we analyzed the community structure characteristics of planktonic bacteria in three Wuhu inland rivers by16S rRNA high-throughput sequencing technologies, in September 2020. The results showed that Wuhu inland river had a highly abundant bacterial diversity. The main dominant bacteria species are similar, including Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria, Cyanobacteria and Bacteroidetes. Compared with the Zhongyangcheng reach and Zhongshan South Road reach, the number of Cyanobacteria in the confluence reach is significantly higher, and the number of Cyanobacteria in the confluence reach is significantly increased from upstream to downstream. The Chao1 index and Shannon index of water samples from the city river system are obviously higher than those from the Central City River system and the South Zhongshan Road River. This consequence may be resulted from peripheral sewage pipe network aging leakage and point source discharge. The result of redundancy analysis (RDA) showed that total nitrogen (TN) play key roles in the distribution of aquatic bacterial community in three urban inland rivers. And mmonia nitrogen (NH3-N), total phosphorus (TP) and chlorophyll a (Chla) also affect the composition of bacterial community. These findings may provide a reference for efficiently governing the water quality of city inland river.
Key words:
- Wuhu /
- urban inland river /
- community structure /
- biodiversity
表 1 采样断面经纬度坐标
Table 1. Longitude and latitude coordinates of river sections
Sampling sites微生物送检编号
Microbial inspection number经纬度
Longitude and latitude中央城河段 ZYC1 ZYC-1 E118°37′18.9″, N31°29′90.7″ ZYC2 ZYC-2 E118°37′22.1″, N31°29′63.4″ 汇成河段 HC1 HC1 E118°37′82.6″, N31°29′96.1″ HC2 HC-2 E118°37′82.2″, N31°29′94.3″ HC3 HC-3 E118°37′80.4″, N31°29′91.8″ HC5 HC-4 E118°37′77.2″, N31°29′64.4″ 中山南路河段 ZSNL2 ZSNL-1 E118°35′91.6″, N31°30′31.8″ ZSNL5 ZSNL-2 E118°35′89.6″, N31°30′23.9′ ZSNL8 ZSNL-3 E118°35′81.3″, N31°29′85.8″ 表 2 芜湖城市内河水体理化性质
Table 2. physical and chemical properties of wuhu urban river water body
sitespH EC* WT/
(mg·L−1)DO COD**/
(mg·L−1)BOD5 NH3-N*/
(mg·L−1)Chl a/
cmORP 中央城
河段ZYC1 8.05 423 28.0 0.170 4.07 2.7 8.85 3.80 0.58 30 48 162 ZYC2 7.81 796 27.4 0.153 3.48 1.6 12.70 8.89 1.70 15 54 174 ZYC3 7.79 434 25.0 0.221 4.41 2.4 4.71 3.30 2.20 16 91 167 汇成河段 HC1 7.81 435 28.2 0.179 5.16 2.3 12.10 8.47 1.54 82 49 153 HC2 7.85 460 28.9 0.163 5.69 4.6 13.80 9.66 2.18 44 46 143 HC3 7.76 406 28.7 0.176 5.56 5.1 10.90 7.63 2.44 33 41 204 HC4 7.97 466 28.8 0.173 5.93 5.8 19.90 13.93 3.12 30 43 171 HC5 8.88 516 29.0 0.236 4.42 9.1 18.40 2.90 3.34 31 43 138 HC6 8.49 449 28.9 0.258 5.31 9.1 16.20 2.80 3.44 40 54 146 HC7 7.75 438 28.4 0.273 5.08 5.4 8.60 6.02 3.54 55 57 183 中山南
路河段ZSNL1 7.57 647 31.3 0.305 7.50 2.6 13.30 9.31 2.34 31 113 194 ZSNL2 7.70 396 28.2 0.584 3.40 3.1 11.40 7.98 4.42 32 100 180 ZSNL3 7.73 407 28.4 0.387 5.48 4.2 15.10 10.50 4.14 23 121 171 ZSNL4 7.91 440 28.5 0.939 10.43 4.0 31.10 21.77 3.81 56 47 156 ZSNL5 9.05 420 30.0 0.927 9.33 7.7 31.50 3.50 8.64 157 45 128 ZSNL6 9.46 402 28.3 0.729 8.48 17.8 28.10 12.60 6.18 22 59 114 ZSNL7 9.43 424 30.5 0.762 8.14 17.1 36.40 11.50 6.30 115 55 137 ZSNL8 9.49 411 30.9 0.885 5.70 17.4 22.30 11.70 4.43 68 51 119 ZSNL9 9.24 420 30.4 0.708 6.38 15.1 24.50 8.80 3.88 42 70 127 注: * P<0.05,** P<0.01 表 3 城市黑臭水体分级标准
Table 3. Classification standards for urban black and odorous water bodies
Characteristic index轻度黑臭
Mild black smelly重度黑臭
Heavy black smelly透明度/cm 25—10* <10* 溶解氧/(mg·L−1) 0.2—2.0 <0.2 氧化还原电位/mV −200—50 < −200 氨氮/(mg·L−1) 8.0—15 >15 注: * 水深不足 25 cm时,该指标按水深的 40%取值。
Note: * When the water depth is less than 25 cm, the value of this index is 40% of the water depth表 4 研究区细菌群落的丰度和多样性
Table 4. Abundance and diversities of bacterial communities in the three inland rivers
Chao1 index观察到的物种*
Shannon index辛普森指数
Simpson indexZYC-1 2094 28 270 2172.36 2017.30 8.74 0.9907 ZYC-2 2181 20 226 2261.00 2140.40 8.85 0.9926 HC-1 3662 24 251 3901.71 3270.20 9.10 0.9894 HC-2 2122 22 259 2244.94 2050.80 8.57 0.9869 HC-3 2197 19 241 2330.21 2079.70 8.67 0.9873 HC-4 2125 17 216 2264.49 2061.00 8.60 0.9873 ZSNL-1 1618 20 188 1655.60 1573.60 8.17 0.9895 ZSNL-2 2000 20 262 2022.43 1992.20 8.63 0.9921 ZSNL-3 1587 22 239 1668.32 1515.40 8.29 0.9905 注: * P<0.05,** P<0.01 表 5 优势菌门与环境因子的 Pearson 相关性
Table 5. Pearson's correlation coefficient of predominant bacteriaat the phylum level and environmental factors
PhylumpH EC DO WT TP TN Chla NH3-N Proteobacteria 0.636 -0.288 −0.242 0.687* 0.886** 0.776* 0.802** 0.993** Actinobacteria −0.65 0.272 −0.099 −0.767* −0.624 −0.931** −0.811** 0.807** Cyanobacteria 0.069 0.01 0.413** 0.094 -0.514 0.031 −0.191 −0.401 Bacteroidetes −0.072 −0.17 −0.158 0.001 0.482 0.176 0.253 0.411 Verrucomicrobia −0.366 −0.115 0.791* −0.103 −0.495 −0.019 −0.101 −0.586 注: * P<0.05,** P<0.01 -
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