运河桐乡水源地处长江三角洲平原河网地区,承载桐乡市3个自来水厂的供水工程,是桐乡市集中饮用水源,每天向3个水厂供水45万吨,其水质好坏直接关系到桐乡市70多万人的饮用水安全. 随着长三角社会经济的快速发展和城市化进程加快,运河水体负荷不断增加[1],加上平原河网地势平坦,水动力条件较差,水环境自净能力差[2-3],运河桐乡水源地近年来夏季溶解氧(dissolved oxygen, DO)时有超标. DO是评价水体自净能力和受污染程度的重要指标[4-5]. 当水体中DO ≤ 2 mg·L−1时,厌氧微生物在水体中占主导地位[6],有机物分解过程会产生对人体有毒有害的物质和刺激性气体[7-8],从而影响河网生态环境和饮用水安全[9].
平原河网地区造成水体DO低下的原因往往比较复杂. 影响水体DO浓度的因素很多,包括pH、温度、电导率、营养物质浓度、大气复氧水平和水动力过程等[10-12]. 国内外学者尝试使用了多种方法对水体中DO低下的原因进行研究. 例如,Lopamudra[13]建立Streeter-phelps模型,发现下游水体低DO可能是由于上游水体点源污染增加或溶解态氮浓度较高而导致藻类过度生长所致. Espinosa-Díaz等[14]对圣玛尔塔湾连续19年的DO数据进行时间序列分析,发现水体DO浓度下降与沉积物中有机物的消耗有关. Jarvis等[15]对墨西哥湾北部水体建立三维水动力-生物地球化学模型,发现风力驱动因素会促进近海水域DO的消耗. 赵海超等[16]通过氮磷形态及相关性分析发现水体富营养化和底泥释放氮磷营养盐导致了洱海DO浓度降低. 黄钰铃[17]等通过水体分层研究发现,泸沽湖北侧湖区DO低是由于湖区水动力特性、以及水生植物和浮游植物群落的差异所致. 由此可见,不同水体低DO成因不尽相同,必须依托一定的技术手段深入解析水体低DO成因,才能更有针对性地提出治理对策.
三维荧光光谱(Three-dimensional fluorescence excitation-emission matrix spectroscopy,3DEEMs)作为一种新型水污染溯源技术,具有快速、准确的优点[18]. 将3DEEMs和平行因子分析(Parallel factor analysis,PARAFAC)结合使用能有效揭示水体中溶解性有机物(Dissolved organic matter,DOM)的荧光组分信息,被广泛用于探究不同水体DOM组成及来源[19-20]. 这种方法不受水体类型限制,应用于对不同污染源的识别分析,但还未见利用这种方法对水体低DO进行成因分析的相关报道.
本文基于常规水质监测数据,研究了运河桐乡段水体的DO时空分布特征及其主要影响因素;基于三维荧光光谱结合平行因子分析法和氮形态解析,探究了桐乡入境水和桐乡内部污染源对水源地DO的影响;通过底泥分析结合现场踏勘,分析了底泥污染物释放对水源地DO的影响. 研究结果不仅可以为长三角平原河网地区“精准治污”提供新思路,也能为其他地区低氧水体的治理提供参考.
Study on the cause of low dissolved oxygen in summer in Tongxiang water source of Canal based on 3DEMMs-PARAFAC technology
摘要: 运河桐乡水源地处长江流域太湖水系,是桐乡市70多万人的集中饮用水水源,近年来连续数年夏季溶解氧(DO)偏低,影响水源地水质稳定达标. 基于三维荧光光谱(3DEEMs)结合平行因子分析(PARAFAC)技术,以及常规水质分析和氮形态解析,研究了上游来水、桐乡自身污染以及运河底泥释放对水源地DO的影响,解析了夏季低DO成因. 结果表明,桐乡入境水具有生活污水荧光特征峰,夏季DO浓度低、氨氮浓度高,是造成运河桐乡水源地DO不能稳定达标的首要原因,桐乡入境水和桐乡水源地取水口DO显著正相关(R2 =0.76,P <0.01). 其次,运河桐乡段水体中DOM主要由3个荧光组分组成,其中C1(230/275,307)和C2(235/295,338)为类蛋白质荧光组分,C3(255/330,297/422)为类腐殖质荧光组分;水源地保护区内类蛋白质物质荧光强度大幅增强,在总荧光强度中占比67.6%—95.9%,显示村镇生活污水排放对水源地水质有所影响. 此外,运河干流通航引起底泥悬浮、水体浊度上升从而影响光合作用,以及支流底泥在缺氧条件下的氮磷释放进一步加剧了水源地DO消耗. 在此基础上针对性提出对策建议,为运河桐乡水源地水质提升和平原河网地区低氧水体治理提供理论依据.Abstract: Located in the Taihu River system of the Yangtze River Basin, Tongxiang Canal is used as the centralized drinking water source for more than 700,000 people. In recent years, the low summer dissolved oxygen (DO) has affected the water quality of the water source to reach the standard. Based on the three dimensional fluorescence spectrum (3DEEMs) combined with the parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC) technology, as well as the conventional water quality analysis and nitrogen form analysis, factors that influence DO were studied, including upstream inflow, Tongxiang’s municipal pollution and the sediment release. The results showed that the incoming water in Tongxiang had the fluorescent characteristic peak of domestic sewage, and the low concentration of DO and high concentration of ammonia nitrogen are the primary contributor to the low DO concentration in the Tongxiang canal water source in summers. A significant positive correlation of the daily average DO concentration was found between the upstream inflow and the intake of water source (R2=0.76, P<0.01). Secondly, DOM in Tongxiang section of Canal is mainly composed of three fluorescent components. C1 (230/275,307) and C2 (235/295,338) are protein-like fluorescent components, and C3 (255/330,297/422) are humus-like fluorescent components; the fluorescence intensity of protein-like substances increased significantly in the water source protection area, accounting for 67.6%—95.9% of the total fluorescence intensity, indicating that rural domestic sewage discharge had an impact on the water quality of the water source. In addition, inland shipping negatively affects photosynthesis by causing sediment suspension and turbidity of the river, and nitrogen and phosphorus released from tributary sediment under oxygen-poor conditions further aggravate DO consumption in the waterbody. On this basis, countermeasures and suggestions were put forward for forming a framework to improve the quality of the Tongxiang canal water source and other low oxygen water body in plain river network areas.
表 1 水源地保护区底泥现场调查及监测结果
Table 1. Field investigation and monitoring results of sediments in the water source protection area
Sediment distribution area颜色
(G1—G9)浅 薄 无异味 泥沙状 617±157.8 804±171.21 支流
(Z1—Z7)深 厚 有异味 黏土状 727±302.0 863±186.78 浙江省河流沉积物背景值[38] — — — — 440 239 注:物理性状为现场观察记录;数据格式:Mean±SD.
Note: Physical properties were determined on field. Data format: Mean±SD. -
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