PM2.5作为灰霾天气的主要污染物之一[1],对人类健康、区域生态环境甚至全球气候均产生较大的负面影响[2-3]. 研究表明,水溶性无机离子(water soluble inorganic ions, WSIIs)是PM2.5的重要组分,可占其质量的30%—80%[4-5]. 通常,二次无机离子(SNA,即sulfate, SO42−; nitrate, NO3−; ammonium, NH4+)在WSIIs中具有主导地位[6-8]. 例如有研究发现,在天津2014年冬季一次典型重污染过程中,PM2.5的爆发式增长与SNA浓度激增密切相关[9];在京津冀地区2018年1月的某次污染过程中SNA占比和二次转化效率均显著提升[10]. SNA主要由SO2、NOx和NH3等气态前体物经过复杂的大气化学反应生成[11],而大气强氧化性[12]以及较低的大气边界层高度(boundary layer height, BLH)[10]、低风速(wind speed, WS)、高相对湿度(relative humidity, RH)等气象条件均有利于前体物的转化,进而使得污染加剧. 同时,区域传输和本地污染物的排放也是加剧大气污染的重要影响因素[13-15]. 春节作为我国最受重视的传统节日,期间车流量减少和社会生产活动水平下降可使区域性污染排放结构发生明显变化[16]. 然而有研究显示,除烟花爆竹导致的除夕夜较为短暂的大气污染外,春节期间城市持续性的大气污染事件仍可发生. 例如2020年春节假期,在受新冠疫情爆发叠加影响的情形下[17-18],我国华北和东部地区仍然出现了严重的灰霾污染事件[19-20]. 因此,探明城市春节期间重污染事件发生机制具有重要意义[21].
天津市位于我国环渤海心脏地带,是京津冀地区典型大气污染重点治理和联防联控的核心环节城市之一[22-23]. 近年来,随着“大气污染防治行动计划(2013—2017)”和“打赢蓝天保卫战三年行动计划”等大气减排措施的制定实施,天津空气质量得到明显改善[24]. 例如PM2.5(空气动力学当量直径 ≤ 2.5 μm的细颗粒物)年均浓度从2015年70 μg·m−3降至2021年39 μg·m−3(降幅30%)[25-26],但是天津市冬季重污染天气仍时有发生[22]. 本研究通过采集天津2018—2020年连续3年春节假期期间PM2.5样品,测定PM2.5及水溶性离子的浓度并分析其变化特征;结合气象参数、硫/氮氧化率等探讨春节假期污染事件中SNA的形成过程;综合考虑区域传输以及疫情效应等影响因素,对比阐释天津连续3年春节假期不同污染事件的生成机制,为春节期间城市大气污染防控提供科学支撑.
Characteristics of water-soluble inorganic ions in PM2.5 and study of heavy pollution period during 2018—2020 Spring Festival in Tianjin
摘要: 为阐明大气污染重点整治和新冠疫情影响下我国华北地区城市春节期间重污染过程PM2.5中水溶性无机离子变化特征及其影响因素,本研究结合气态前体物浓度和气象要素,对天津市2018—2020年连续3年春节假期的2次重污染过程PM2.5中主要水溶性无机离子(WSIIs)浓度进行对比分析. 结果表明,2018年和2020年春节假期PM2.5平均浓度(98.32 μg·m−3和137.7 μg·m−3)显著高于2019年(49.97 μg·m−3). PM2.5平均浓度在污染期Ⅱ(2020年为206.5 μg·m−3)是污染期Ⅰ(2018年98.32 μg·m−3)的2.1倍;2次污染事件中NO2浓度变化不大,而SO2浓度在污染期Ⅱ(14.89 μg·m−3)是污染期Ⅰ(30.04 μg·m−3)的49.6%. SNA在WSIIs中占比超过77%,主要以NH4NO3、(NH4)2SO4形式存在,其中NH4NO3为最主要的无机盐,且污染期Ⅱ的NH4NO3浓度远高于污染期Ⅰ. 此外,污染期Ⅱ的PM2.5/CO、SOR、NOR均明显升高,表明更有效的SO42−和NO3−形成过程是导致污染期Ⅱ中PM2.5浓度偏高的主要原因之一. 不利的边界层高度、相对湿度、风速等气象要素形成静稳、强逆温天气,导致大气环境容量减小,并使得污染期Ⅱ的二次无机气溶胶生成效率大幅提高,进而削弱了疫情效应与减排措施的影响. 而污染期Ⅰ除了二次转化外,PM2.5浓度可能更多受到区域传输等影响.Abstract: To elucidate the variation characteristics and influencing factors of water-soluble inorganic ions (WSIIs) in PM2.5 during the heavy pollution period of the Spring Festival under the influence of air pollution control and COVID-19 epidemic, the concentrations of WSIIs in PM2.5 during two heavy pollution periods occurred in the three consecutive Spring Festival holidays in Tianjin from 2018 to 2020 were comparably investigated. The results showed that the average PM2.5 concentration in 2018 (98.32 μg·m−3) and in 2020 (137.7 μg·m−3) was significantly higher than that in 2019 (49.97 μg·m−3). The average PM2.5 concentration in the period Ⅱ of heavy pollution episode in 2020 (206.5 μg·m−3) was 2.1 times higher than that in the period Ⅰ in 2018 (98.32 μg·m−3). The concentration of NO2 in the two pollution periods changed little, while the average concentration of SO2 in the period Ⅱ (14.89 μg·m−3) was 49.6% of that in the period Ⅰ (30.04 μg·m−3). The SNA accounted for more than 77% of the WSIIs, and were mainly in the forms of NH4NO3 and (NH4)2SO4 among which NH4NO3 was the most important inorganic salt and it’s concentration in the period Ⅱ was much higher than that in the period Ⅰ. In addition, PM2.5/CO, SOR and NOR in the period Ⅱ significantly increased, indicating that the more effective formation of SO42− and NO3− was one of the main reasons for the high concentration of PM2.5 in the period Ⅱ. Adverse meteorological conditions such as low boundary layer height, high relative humidity and low wind speed resulted in stable and strong inversion weather, which led to the reduction of atmospheric environmental capacity and greatly improved the generation efficiency of secondary inorganic aerosols during the period Ⅱ, thus offsetting the impact of epidemic effect and emission reduction measures. For the period Ⅰ, in addition to secondary transformation, PM2.5 concentrations may be more affected by regional transmission.
Key words:
- Spring Festival /
- water-soluble inorganic ions /
- SNA /
- formation mechanism /
- Tianjin.
图 3 (a)2018—2020年春节假期NH4+/SO42−物质的量比与NO3−/SO42−物质的量比的函数;(b)两段污染期NH4+/SO42−物质的量比与NO3−/SO42−物质的量比的函数;(c)2018—2020年春节假期NH4+摩尔浓度与2倍SO42− + NO3−摩尔浓度的函数;(d)两段污染期NH4+摩尔浓度与2倍SO42−+NO3−摩尔浓度的函数;
Figure 3. (a) Function of [NH4+/SO42−] and [NO3−/SO42−] in 2018-2020 Spring Festival Holidays; (b) Function of [NH4+/SO42−] and [NO3−/SO42−] in 2 pollution periods; (c) The function of [NH4+] and 2[SO42−+NO3−] in 2018—2020 Spring Festival Holidays; (d) The function of [NH4+] and 2[SO42−+NO3−] in 2 pollution periods
表 1 2018—2020年春节假期及2次污染期SO42−、NO3−、NH4+浓度及其相关参数(平均值±标准差)
Table 1. Concentration of SO42−, NO3−, NH4+ and their related parameters,(mean ± standard deviation) during Spring Festival holiday and 2 pollution periods from 2018 to 2020
Parameter2018 (污染期 Ⅰ)
Pollution Period Ⅰ2019 2020 污染期 Ⅱ
Pollution Period ⅡSO42−/(μg·m−3) 9.96 ± 3.09 5.15 ± 5.70 14.51 ± 10.23 22.03 ± 5.69 NO3−/(μg·m−3) 13.29 ± 3.39 6.24 ± 5.21 21.34 ± 13.76 31.30 ± 8.18 NH4+/(μg·m−3) 9.49 ± 2.57 5.00 ± 3.87 12.80 ± 7.48 18.25 ± 4.31 SNA/(μg·m−3) 32.74 ± 8.74 16.39 ± 14.59 48.66 ± 31.17 71.57 ± 17.11 WSIIs/(μg·m−3) 43.40 ± 11.29 22.86 ± 21.60 59.07 ± 36.62 87.18 ± 14.40 SNA/WSIIs 0.77 ± 0.14 0.73 ± 0.04 0.82 ± 0.071 0.81±0.09 表 2 2018—2020年春节假期及2次污染期CO浓度、以及PM2.5/CO、SOR、NOR(平均值±标准差)
Table 2. CO concentration, PM2.5/CO, SOR and NOR (mean ± standard deviation) during Spring Festival holiday and 2 pollution periods from 2018 to 2020
Parameter2018 (污染期 Ⅰ)
Pollution Period Ⅰ2019 2020 污染期 Ⅱ
Pollution Period ⅡCO/(μg·m−3) 1.43 ± 0.36 0.92 ± 0.60 1.53 ± 0.57 1.84 ± 0.54 PM2.5/CO 0.07 ± 0.02 0.05 ± 0.02 0.08 ± 0.04 0.11 ± 0.02 SOR 0.19 ± 0.09 0.18 ± 0.08 0.36 ± 0.18 0.49 ± 0.08 NOR 0.19 ± 0.04 0.16 ± 0.06 0.27 ± 0.10 0.34 ± 0.06 -
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