非甲烷碳氢化合物(non-methane hydrocarbons, NMHCs)是挥发性有机物中重要的一类化合物,其在大气中含量虽微(体积浓度在10-12至10−9数量级),却在大气化学过程中扮演了极其重要的角色[1—2]. NMHCs是近地面臭氧等二次污染物的重要前体物,影响城市或区域空气质量和人体健康[3—4]. 近年来,随着我国社会经济快速发展,近地面臭氧污染问题日益突出,2013—2019年全国74个重点城市臭氧年评价值上升了28.8%,显示臭氧污染呈现快速上升和蔓延态势[5]. 作为臭氧前体物,NMHCs种类繁多、性质各异、来源复杂,既有化石燃料燃烧、工业生产、溶剂挥发等人为源排放,也包括植物等自然源排放[6—8]. 因此,开展NMHCs污染特征及来源分析对有效控制臭氧等二次污染十分必要.
为评价光化学烟雾成因,美国环保署于1994年建立了光化学评价监测网(PAMS),监测分析臭氧及其前体物(NMHCs为重点)的污染特征及来源[9]. 目前,我国学者也开展了一些NMHCs观测研究,主要集中在京津冀[10—12]、长三角[13—14]和珠三角[6,15]等经济发达地区,而在中西部地区进行的相关研究还较少[16—20]. 长沙作为中部地区重要的省会城市之一,2021年污染天气中臭氧超标天数占比45.7%,特别是夏季臭氧污染时有发生[21]. 前期有研究报道了长沙市大气NMHCs污染情况[22—24],但关于不同区域(站点)日变化特征及定量源解析的相关研究还较缺乏.
Pollution characteristics and sources apportionments of ambient non-methane hydrocarbons during summer in Changsha
摘要: 非甲烷碳氢(NMHCs)是臭氧等二次污染重要前体物. 选择长沙市2个城市站(W和S点)于2017年夏季采集了大气NMHCs样品. 结果显示,观测期间长沙市NMHCs平均体积浓度为(8.67±3.62)×10−9(W)和(12.30±6.01)×10−9(S). 烷烃是最主要组分,贡献了64.7%(W)和60.5%(S);其次是芳香烃,占比21.6%(W)和24.4%(S). 浓度组成及比值日变化特征表明W点NMHCs浓度上午高于下午,主要受机动车排放影响;S点则是早晚高中午低,可能与中午光化学反应强、早高峰机动车排放大等有关. 芳香烃是最重要的活性化合物,贡献了53.9%—56.0%的臭氧生成潜势;异戊二烯和烯烃对等效丙烯浓度的贡献也较大(合计>40%). 长沙市夏季大气NMHCs来源主要有汽油车尾气(25.0%)、工业过程与溶剂使用(20.2%)、生物质燃烧与天然气使用(19.8%)、汽油挥发(17.2%)、柴油车尾气(12.3%)和植物排放(5.5%). 不同站点来源存在差异: W点受汽油车尾气影响最大(30.2%),其次是生物质燃烧与天然气使用(22.6%);而S点主要受工业过程与溶剂使用(23.9%)和汽油车尾气影响(20.2%).Abstract: Non-methane hydrocarbons (NMHCs) are important precursors of ozone and other secondary pollutants. Ambient NMHCs samples were collected at two urban sites (W and S) during summer of 2017 in Changsha. The results showed that average volume concentrations of NMHCs were (8.67±3.62)×10−9 and (12.30±6.01)×10−9 at Site W and Site S, respectively. Alkanes were the most abundant components with contributions of 64.7% (W) and 60.5% (S), followed by aromatics with percentages of 21.6% (W) and 24.4% (S), respectively. The diurnal variations of NMHCs concentrations, compositions and diagnostic ratios illustrated that NMHCs concentrations were higher in the forenoon than those in the afternoon at Site W, which were mainly influenced by vehicle emissions; while, concentrations at Site S were higher in morning and evening but lower in noon, which were probably influenced by strong photochemical reactivity in noon and enhanced vehicle emissions in morning. Aromatics were the most important reactive species and contributed 53.9%—56.0% to ozone formation potentials, while isoprene and alkenes were also contributed largely to propylene-equivalent concentrations (>40%). The main sources of NMHCs in summer air of Changsha were gasoline vehicle exhaust (25.0%), industrial process and solvent use (20.2%), biomass burning and natural gas usage (19.8%), gasoline evaporation (17.2%), diesel vehicle exhaust (12.3%), and plant emission (5.5%). Spatial difference showed that the largest source at Site W was gasoline vehicle exhaust (30.2%), followed by biomass burning and natural gas usage (22.6%), while NMHCs at Site S were mainly influenced by industrial process and solvent use (23.9%) and gasoline vehicle exhaust (20.2%).
表 1 采样期间区域内空气质量和气象数据
Table 1. Air quality and meteorological data in sampling areas during sampling period
Site W area采样点S区域
Site S area气温/°C 30.9 ± 2.6 30.7 ± 2.5 气压/kPa 99.9 ± 0.3 99.4 ± 0.3 相对湿度/% 59 ± 10 58 ± 9 风速/(m·s−1) 2.6 ± 0.8 2.6 ± 0.9 主导风向 西北 西北 PM2.5小时浓度/(μg·m−3) 25 ± 13 20 ± 7 臭氧小时浓度/(μg·m−3) 87 ± 39 85 ± 38 表 2 长沙市夏季大气臭氧生成潜势和等效丙烯浓度贡献前十的NMHCs化合物
Table 2. Contributions of TOP 10 NMHCs species to ozone formation potentials and propylene-equivalent concentrations in summer air of Changsha
TOP 10 Species百分比/%
TOP 10 Species百分比/%
TOP 10 Species百分比/%
TOP 10 Species百分比/%
Percentage/%间/对-二甲苯 16.5 异戊二烯 28.8 间/对-二甲苯 19.5 1-丁烯 16.0 异戊二烯 9.3 丙烯 7.6 1-丁烯 11.1 间/对二甲苯 9.5 邻二甲苯 6.7 间/对-二甲苯 7.1 邻二甲苯 7.4 丙烯 8.5 甲苯 6.5 异戊烷 4.1 丙烯 6.3 异戊二烯 6.1 丙烯 6.4 1,2,4-三甲基苯 4.1 1,2,4-三甲基苯 5.3 苯乙烯 4.6 1,2,4-三甲基苯 6.0 苯乙烯 4.1 甲苯 5.0 正十二烷 4.1 异戊烷 5.0 1-丁烯 3.6 1,2,3-三甲基苯 4.2 1,2,4-三甲基苯 4.0 1,2,3-三甲基苯 4.5 反式-2-丁烯 3.0 乙苯 3.3 反式-2-丁烯 3.3 乙苯 3.0 邻二甲苯 2.5 异戊烷 3.0 邻二甲苯 3.1 1-丁烯 2.8 甲苯 2.3 间乙基甲苯 2.7 异戊烷 2.8 前十之和 66.8 前十之和 67.1 前十之和 67.7 前十之和 62.0 -
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