四环素类抗生素(tetracyclines,TCs)具有治疗和预防动物疾病、促进动物生长、提高畜牧业生产力等作用[1],是我国畜禽养殖业中使用量最大的一类兽用抗生素,约占总使用量的37%[2 − 3]. 不同动物使用的抗生素类型和剂量不同. 猪和鸡的高养殖密度和较短的繁殖期,抗生素使用频繁;通常牛的养殖密度较低,抗生素相对使用率低[4]. 四环素类抗生素不能被动物机体完全吸收,以母体或代谢物的形式随畜禽粪便排出[5]. 畜禽粪便通过集中处理和种养结合等模式生产有机肥[6]的肥料化利用是其处理和资源化利用的主要方式[7]. 有机肥中仍存在较高浓度的土霉素、四环素和金霉素等TCs残留[8],施用有机肥的农田土壤中TCs母体的残留水平也可高达mg·kg−1水平[9]. 残留的抗生素可能会对土壤微生物施加选择压力,导致细菌耐药性增加[10];同时土壤中的抗生素也可被动、植物吸收,并可能通过食物链进入到人体,对健康构成潜在危害[11 − 12].
TCs容易发生水解或光解,可通过差向异构化,脱水和质子转移途径形成差向异构体、脱水产物、差向脱水产物等转化产物[13 − 14]. 一些四环素类转化产物不仅毒性更大,而且在环境中更稳定[12]. 有研究发现污泥中的TCs母体及转化产物可能会对水生生物造成明显的水生毒性风险[15]. 一些转化产物如脱水四环素对敏感和耐药的土壤细菌具有较大的毒性[13]. 为全面评估抗生素的环境影响,欧盟委员会“REACH”法规建议应同时考虑抗生素母体及转化产物的残留和风险[16]. 四环素类转化产物在畜禽粪便[17]和施肥土壤[18]中也有较高水平的检出. 猪粪源有机肥及其施肥土壤四环素类抗生素和转化产物的总浓度分别为851 μg·kg−1和776 μg·kg−1[19]. 然而,目前关于不同动物类型和资源化处理模式的有机肥及施肥土壤中四环素类抗生素的分布特征并不清楚,特别是针对四环素类抗生素转化产物的研究仍非常有限.
本研究以4种兽用TCs(四环素、土霉素、金霉素及强力霉素)及10种转化产物为研究对象,对全国8个省(市)不同类型畜禽粪便源(猪粪、鸡粪、牛粪及羊粪)有机肥样品进行采样调查,主要研究了1)有机肥中4种四环素类抗生素及10种转化产物的分布特征;2)不同动物类型和畜禽粪便处理模式对有机肥中四环素类抗生素及转化产物的影响;3)典型地区有机肥和施肥土壤中的四环素类抗生素及转化产物的残留情况. 本研究有助于了解畜禽粪便处理和利用过程中的四环素类转化产物的分布特征和归趋行为,为畜禽粪便的资源化利用和土壤安全施用提供数据基础.
Occurrence of tetracyclines and their transformation products in manure-based organic fertilizers
摘要: 畜禽粪便源有机肥是农田土壤中抗生素母体及转化产物污染的重要来源之一. 为研究畜禽粪便源有机肥中四环素类抗生素及转化产物的残留情况,在全国8个省(市)采集55 个有机肥样品,采用超高效液相色谱-串联质谱法(UPLC-MS/MS),分析畜禽粪便源有机肥中四环素、强力霉素、金霉素和土霉素4 种四环素类抗生素及10种转化产物的分布特征. 结果表明,四环素、强力霉素、金霉素和土霉素在55个有机肥样品中均有检出,浓度分别为1.63—4348 μg·kg−1、ND—11451 μg·kg−1、ND—30300 μg·kg−1、7.11—55008 μg·kg−1. 10种转化产物中,差向异构体是主要的转化产物. 不同畜禽粪便来源的有机肥中四环素类抗生素及转化产物的浓度存在显著差异,猪粪肥样品中四环素类抗生素及转化产物的浓度高于鸡粪肥、牛粪肥和羊粪肥. 畜禽粪便资源化利用模式可能也会影响有机肥中四环素类抗生素的浓度. 种养结合模式生产的有机肥中四环素类抗生素及转化产物的浓度显著高于集中处理模式生产的有机肥. 进一步研究了典型地区畜禽粪便源有机肥和施肥土壤中的四环素类抗生素及转化产物残留的污染特征,发现四环素类抗生素及转化产物通过施用有机肥进入土壤环境中,差向异构体在施肥土壤中仍是主要的转化产物. 畜禽粪便源有机肥和施肥土壤中四环素类抗生素及转化产物的残留不容忽视.Abstract: Manure-based organic fertilizers are important sources of pollution of antibiotic and transformation products in farmland soil. To study the residues of tetracyclines and transformation products in manure-based organic fertilizers, 55 organic fertilizer samples were collected from eight provinces in China. Ultra-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS/MS) was used to analyze the distribution characteristics of tetracycline, doxycycline, chlortetracycline, oxytetracycline and their transformation products in organic fertilizers. The results showed that tetracycline, doxycycline, chlortetracycline and oxytetracycline were detected in 55 organic fertilizer samples, and the concentrations were 1.63—4348 μg·kg−1, ND—11451 μg·kg−1, ND—30300 μg·kg−1, 7.11—55008 μg·kg−1, respectively. Among the 10 transformation products, the 4-epimers were the main transformation products. There were significant differences in the contents of tetracyclines and their transformation products in organic fertilizers produced from manure of different animal species. The concentrations and detection rates of tetracyclines and their transformation products in swine manure fertilizers were higher than those in chicken manure fertilizers, cattle manure fertilizers and sheep manure fertilizers. The treatment model of resource utilization of livestock manure might also affect the contents of tetracyclines in organic fertilizers. The concentrations of tetracyclines and their transformation products in organic fertilizers produced by the model of combination of farming and animal husbandry were significantly higher than those produced by the mode of centralized treatment. The pollution characteristics of tetracyclines and their transformation products in manure-based organic fertilizers and fertilized soil in typical areas were further studied. The results showed that the 4-epimers were still the main transformation products in the fertilized soil. Therefore, the residues of tetracyclines and their transformation products in manure-based organic fertilizers and fertilized soil cannot be ignored.
表 1 畜禽粪便源有机肥和土壤样品中四环素类及转化产物的加标回收率
Table 1. The recoveries of tetracyclines and their transformation products in manure-based organic fertilizer and soil samples
Manure-based organic fertilizer土壤
Soil20 μg·L−1 100 μg·L−1 20 μg·L−1 100 μg·L−1 四环素(TC) 133% (2.1%) 127% (1.9%) 135% (3.1%) 119% (0.8%) 差向四环素(ETC) 113% (3.1%) 101% (2.3%) 103% (1.2%) 96% (1.2%) 脱水四环素(ATC) 88% (13%) 71% (3.4%) — — 差向脱水四环素(EATC) 64% (3.3%) 46% (8.5%) — — 强力霉素(DC) 124% (3.0%) 123% (0.4%) 85% (1.6%) 83% (1.7%) 金霉素(CTC) 136% (2.5%) 123% (1.8%) 118% (1.3%) 103% (0.7%) 差向金霉素(ECTC) 130% (5.2%) 113% (3.5%) 114% (2.0%) 107% (0.8%) 异金霉素(ICTC) 113% (0.7%) 116% (2.7%) 90% (1.7%) 83% (1.5%) 脱水金霉素(ACTC) 43% (11.0%) 38% (1.5%) — — 差向脱水金霉素(EACTC) 16% (10.8%) 12% (11.0%) — — 土霉素(OTC) 122% (1.3%) 129% (0.6%) 109% (2.3%) 88% (1.0%) 差向土霉素(EOTC) 129% (1.8%) 122% (4.0%) 113% (4.2%) 86% (7.2%) α-apo-土霉素(α-apo-OTC) 96% (3.5%) 83% (4.4%) — — β-apo-土霉素(β-apo-OTC) 54% (8.6%) 49% (1.6%) — — 注:测定了20、100 μg·L−1 两个加标浓度下四环素类抗生素及转化产物的回收率. 表中数据表示回收率(RSD). “—”表示未分析.
Note: The recoveries of tetracyclines and transformation products at two spiked concentrations of 20 and 100 μg·L−1 were determined. The values in the table represent recovery (RSD); “—” indicates that the data is not analyzed.表 2 畜禽粪便源有机肥样品中四环素类抗生素及转化产物的浓度
Table 2. The concentrations of tetracyclines and their transformation products in manure-based organic fertilizer samples
Mean最小值 /(μg·kg−1)
MaximumTC 100% 267 1.63 27.8 4348 ETC 93% 129 ND 13.6 2270 ATC 49% 59.9 ND 12.6 543 EATC 49% 47.5 ND ND 644 DC 76% 903 ND 70.7 11450 CTC 76% 1314 ND 27.7 30300 ECTC 87% 1277 ND 19.5 31310 ICTC 46% 302 ND 6.99 8205 ACTC 9% 16.8 ND ND 189 EACTC 42% 5.78 ND ND 85.0 OTC 100% 2265 7.11 53.5 55008 EOTC 95% 518 ND 64.6 12772 α-apo-OTC 27% 33.6 ND ND 672 β-apo-OTC 22% 4.63 ND ND 70.0 四环素类抗生素总和 100% 7143 54.6 584 104905 注:检出率=检出四环素类抗生素的样品数/采样数;四环素类抗生素总和为4种四环素类抗生素及10种转化产物浓度之和;ND., 未检出,低于各自的方法检出限.
Note: Detection rate=Number of samples with tetracyclines /Sample numbers; Sum of tetracyclines represent the total concentrations of 4 tetracyclines and 10 transformation products; ND., Not detected, less than the respective method detection limits. -
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