The impact of cage fish-farming on the aquatic environment in Poyang Lake, China: A case study of Duchang water area
摘要: 为了探讨网箱养殖对水体的影响,选取了位于鄱阳湖北岸的都昌县网箱养殖水域为研究对象,于2017年10月和2018年3月对网箱区、外围区和对照点的水体环境进行了分析调查,探讨了网箱养殖对养殖区水体水环境(水温、DO、pH、Chla、TN、TP等)的影响,并利用综合营养状态指数对水体的富营养化状态进行了评价.结果表明,网箱养殖活动对养殖区水体水温和pH几乎没有影响;而对DO、Chla和营养盐含量的影响较明显.3月和10月研究区水体的DO明显低于对照点,Chla明显高于对照点.3月和10月网箱区水体的TN变化范围分别为2.26—2.40 mg·L-1和2.05—2.72 mg·L-1,对照点分别为1.49 mg·L-1和1.14 mg·L-1;TP的变化范围分别为0.24—0.42 mg·L-1和0.11—0.23 mg·L-1,对照点分别为0.18 mg·L-1和0.11 mg·L-1;TN和TP含量的最大值均出现在网箱区;网箱区水体NH4+-N的变化范围分别为0.66—1.05 mg·L-1和0.18—0.39 mg·L-1;NO3--N的变化范围分别为0.72—1.01 mg·L-1和0.38—0.62 mg·L-1;3月研究区水体的NH4+-N、NO3--N、TN和TP含量整体高于10月.养殖水体处于中营养,尚未出现富营养化.Abstract: In order to understand the effect of net-cage culture to the water body, the water samples were collected from cage culture area, surrounding area and control point in the Duchang County of Poyang Lake at October 2017 and March 2018. The influence of cage culture on water environment (water temperature, DO, pH, Chla, TN, TP, etc.) was discussed. The state of eutrophication of water body was evaluated by using comprehensive nutrition state index. The results showed that cage culture had little influence on water temperature and pH, but the obvious influence on DO, Chla and nutrient content. In March and October, DO was lower than the control point, but Chla was higher than the control point, significantly. The contents of TN in the cage area were 2.26-2.40 mg·L-1 and 2.05-2.72 mg·L-1 in March and October, respectively, and they were 1.49 mg·L-1 and 1.14 mg·L-1 in the control point, respectively. The concentrations of TP were 0.24-0.42 mg·L-1 and 0.11-0.23 mg·L-1 respectively, they were 0.18 mg·L-1 and 0.11 mg·L-1 in the comparison point, respectively. The maximum concentrations of TN and TP appeared in the cage area. The concentrations of NH4+-N were 0.66-1.05 mg·L-1 and 0.18-0.39 mg·L-1, respectively. The contents of NO3--N were 0.72-1.01 mg·L-1 and 0.38-0.62 mg·L-1, respectively. In March, the contents of NH4+-N, NO3--N, TN and TP in the study area were higher than those in October. The net-cage culture water body was in the Mesotrophy.
Key words:
- culture /
- Poyang Lake /
- aquatic environment /
- nutrients /
- eutrophication evaluation
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