Study on the ambient air quality of Wuhu City affected by the new type coronavirus pneumonia epidemic
摘要: 本文通过疫情防控期间(2020年1月24日至2月8日)芜湖市环境空气质量与去年同期相比较,探讨城市居民生活活动水平下降对环境空气质量的影响程度.结果表明,PM2.5、PM10、SO2、NO2、CO各项污染物的浓度分别比去年同期下降大约40.2%、41.7%、30%、43.6%和33.3%;综合指数为3.76,同比下降34.5%;空气优良率高达81.3%,远高于扩散条件较好、环境容量较大的春夏季.空气质量明显改善主要是因为燃放烟花爆竹、祭祀焚烧减少,影响较小,仅造成6 h轻微轻度污染;机动车流量较管控前下降86.5%;工地停工,扬尘量减少50.3%.Abstract: In this paper, the impact of the decline in the living standard of urban residents on the ambient air quality in Wuhu City during the period of epidemic prevention and control (January 24-February 8, 2020) was discussed. The results showed that:the concentrations of PM2.5, PM10, SO2, NO2 and CO decreased about 40.2%, 41.7%, 30%, 43.6% and 33.3% respectively compared with the same period last year; the comprehensive index was 3.76, 34.5% lower than the same period last year; the air excellent and good rate reached 81.3%, far higher than the spring and summer with better diffusion conditions and larger environmental capacity. The obvious improvement of air quality was mainly due to the small impact of fireworks and sacrificial burning, which only caused slight pollution for 6 hours; the vehicle flow was 86.5% lower than that before control; the dust was reduced by 50.3% when the construction site was stopped.
Key words:
- Wuhu /
- the new type coronavirus pneumonia /
- the ambient air quality
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