锰是人体所必需的微量元素,广泛分布于人体内的肝脏、胰脏、肾脏等众多器官中,但过量的锰会引发呼吸系统疾病,浓度过高(5~10 mg/L)还会致死[1]。锰超标也会增加自来水的色度,及时去除锰能消除“黄水”现象。当锰含量超过0.3 mg/L时,水产生异味,严重影响人的感官[1]。《生活饮用水卫生标准:GB 5749—2022》中规定,出厂水锰的限值为0.1 mg/L[2]。锰和铁有相近的化学性质,但锰元素较铁元素更难以被氧化,因此饮用水除锰技术一直是饮用水保障的难点和热点[3]。传统去除锰的方法主要有曝气氧化、高锰酸钾氧化、氯氧化法、锰砂接触氧化和二氧化氯氧化[4-6]等。程永康等[7]分析传统除锰方法如曝气氧化和锰砂接触氧化等技术都需要对原水水质进行提高pH的处理,且去除锰的效率低下,存在较大局限性。而高锰酸钾氧化法既无副产物,也不用对水质进行pH预处理,在投药量少的情况下能达到较好的除锰效果。高锰酸钾反应水中二价锰反应,见式(1):
Application of ceramic membrane preprocessor in manganese analyzer
摘要: 水库原水作为水厂水源在夏季经常出现铁、锰离子超标情况。原水中的锰离子一般采用高锰酸钾氧化法进行去除。水厂通过安装锰在线分析仪掌握原水中二价锰离子变化情况,进而确定高锰酸钾投加量。文章分析了陶瓷膜预处理器在提高锰在线分析仪数据准确性方面的适用性及处理效果。结果表明,使用陶瓷膜预处理器进行预处理后,锰在线分析仪检测准确度和稳定性有了显著提高,检测结果误差率由15.4%降至3.3%,检测结果漂移率从7.8%降至1.7%。原水锰离子检测精度的提高,优化并降低了水厂高锰酸钾用量,提高了出厂水锰离子合格率。Abstract: As the source of the water plant, the raw water of the reservoir often has excessive iron and manganese ions in summer. Manganese ions in raw water are generally removed by potassium permanganate oxidation. The water plant mastered the change of divalent manganese ions in raw water by installing a manganese online analyzer and then determined the dosage of the potassium permanganate. The applicability and treatment effect of ceramic membrane preprocessors in improving the data accuracy of the manganese online analyzer were analyzed. The results showed that the accuracy and stability of the manganese online analyzer were significantly improved after the pretreatment with the ceramic membrane preprocessor. The error rate of the test results was reduced from 15.4% to 3.3%, and the drift rate of the test results was reduced from 7.8% to 1.7%. The improvement of the detection accuracy of raw water manganese ions optimized and reduced the amount of potassium permanganate in the water plant, and improves the qualified rate of manganese ions in the finished water.
表 1 不同浑浊度下过硫酸铵分光光度法与锰在线分析仪测定锰含量的对比
Table 1. Comparison between ammonium persulfate spectrophotometry and manganese online analyzer for determining manganese content under different turbidity levels
NTU测得锰含量/mg·L−1 误差值 误差
率/%锰在线分析仪 过硫酸铵分光光度法 20.46 0.604 0.482 0.122 20.20 14.73 0.554 0.470 0.084 15.16 10.55 0.518 0.456 0.062 11.97 8.08 0.453 0.397 0.056 12.36 7.07 0.366 0.321 0.045 12.30 2.87 0.410 0.364 0.046 11.22 2.24 0.379 0.336 0.043 11.35 1.81 0.337 0.302 0.035 10.39 表 2 过硫酸铵分光光度法与锰在线分析仪测定锰含量结果对比
Table 2. Comparison of results between ammonium persulfate spectrophotometry and manganese online analyzer for determining manganese content
NTU测得锰含量/mg·L−1 误差值 误差
率/%锰在线分析仪 过硫酸铵分光光度法 20.46 0.493 0.482 0.011 2.23 14.73 0.401 0.386 0.015 3.74 10.55 0.474 0.456 0.018 3.80 8.08 0.411 0.397 0.014 3.41 7.07 0.333 0.321 0.012 3.60 2.87 0.375 0.364 0.011 2.93 2.24 0.349 0.336 0.013 3.72 1.81 0.337 0.326 0.011 3.26 表 3 使用陶瓷膜预处理器与普通过滤器下锰在线分析仪对锰含量测定结果对比
Table 3. Comparison of the results of manganese content measurement using ceramic membrane pre-processor and manganese online analyzer under the ordinary filter
检测日期 过硫酸铵分光光度法
测得锰含量/mg·L−1锰在线分析仪测得锰含量 普通过滤器/mg·L−1 误差值 误差率/% 陶瓷膜预处理器/mg·L−1 误差值 误差率/% 2021-07-01 0.323 0.334 0.011 3.41 0.333 0.010 3.10 2021-07-02 0.326 0.342 0.016 4.91 0.337 0.011 3.37 2021-07-03 0.329 0.343 0.014 4.20 0.34 0.011 3.34 2021-07-04 0.335 0.358 0.023 6.87 0.347 0.012 3.58 2021-07-05 0.346 0.376 0.030 8.67 0.359 0.013 3.76 2021-07-06 0.352 0.389 0.037 10.51 0.365 0.013 3.69 2021-07-07 0.355 0.393 0.038 10.70 0.369 0.014 3.94 2021-07-08 0.358 0.398 0.040 11.17 0.372 0.014 3.91 -
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