Overview of anaerobic membrane bioreactors for sludge treatment and membrane fouling control strategies
摘要: 随着我国污泥产量连年递增,污泥处理处置市场热度骤升.与传统的污泥厌氧消化相比,厌氧膜生物反应器(AnMBRs)体现出很大的优势.本文着重于AnMBRs处理污泥时的主要操作参数固体停留时间(SRT)、水力停留时间(HRT)、有机负荷(OLR)和温度对其消化性能影响的相关研究,并对AnMBRs的主要膜污染控制方法进行了综述.在目前的研究基础上,提出了AnMBRs处理污泥时的操作条件与膜污染控制方法的进一步研究方向,以此推动AnMBRs的污泥消化技术研究与应用.Abstract: With the increase in sludge production year by year in China, sludge treatment and disposal has attracted the ever-growing attention. Compared with the conventional anaerobic digestion, anaerobic membrane bioreactors (AnMBRs) shows immense superiority. The overview put emphasis on influences of main operational conditions on digestion performance in AnMBRs for sludge treatment, including solid retention time (SRT), hydraulic retention time (HRT), organic loading rate (OLR) and temperature. Also, the main methods of membrane fouling control in AnMBRs was summarized. Based on present review, possible research direction and future perspectives of AnMBRs for sludge treatment were proposed for the promotion of the research and real-world application of AnMBRs technology in sludge digestion.
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