Simultaneous determination of three amphetamines in urine by CLAM-2000 coupled with LC-MS/MS
摘要: 本文使用岛津生物样本全自动在线前处理设备CLAM-2000和LC-MS/MS联用系统,建立了人尿样中3种苯丙胺类毒品的定量分析方法,整个实验流程不涉及手动前处理操作,从吸取样品、沉淀剂,到样品混匀、过滤,以及将处理完的样品输送到LC-MS/MS自动进样器均靠仪器自动完成,减少了人为误差,提高分析的准确度,适合尿样中苯丙胺类毒品的快速定量检测.本实验中基质加标校准曲线线性相关系数0.9995—0.9997,不同浓度加标样品重复进样6次,保留时间RSD均小于0.4%,峰面积RSD均小于5.0%,质控样本实测值满足实验要求.Abstract: In this paper, a fast and simple method, which was for simultaneous determination of 3 amphetamines in urine by CLAM-2000 coupled with LC-MS/MS, was established. As a fully automatic preparation unit, the CLAM-2000 deproteinizes biological samples(such as whole blood, plasma, serum, urine) by adding methanol/acetonitrile, shaking and filtering the samples, and automatically transfers the vials with target component to the LC-MS/MS autosampler for sample injection. From sample preparation to analysis, fully automatic processing improve analysis data accuracy and repeatability, and reduce operation mistakes and infection risks. Under the optimized conditions, good linearity was obtained for 3 Amphetamines with correlation coefficients (r) ranging from 0.9995 to 0.9997. The precision was investigated by analyzing the spiked samples 6 times. The results of precision based on the relative standard deviation (RSD%) of retention time and peak area, and the RSD values were both less than 0.4% and 5.0%. And the measured values of QC samples were within the reliable range.
Key words:
- CLAM-2000 /
- LC-MS/MS /
- urine /
- Amphetamines
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