Functional metagenomics: One of the most robust tools for discovering new antibiotics resistance genes
摘要: 抗生素耐药性是二十一世纪人类面对的最严峻的环境健康问题之一.抗生素耐药基因(Antibiotics resistance genes,ARGs)被认为是一类新型环境污染物.当前针对ARGs的主要研究方法有细菌分离和培养法、聚合酶链式反应(Polymerase Chain Reaction,PCR)法、和宏基因组法.然而,仅有功能宏基因组方法能发现新型的ARGs.功能宏基因组方法利用新一代测序技术的高通量的特性,结合分子生物学技术和功能筛选构建有关抗生素耐药性的基因库,通过生物信息学分析高效地发现新型ARGs.本文综述了近来利用功能宏基因组技术筛选新型ARGs的相关研究进展,总结了功能宏基因学相关的技术和方法的优势和限制,并展望了功能宏基因学方法进一步发展的方向.Abstract: Antibiotic resistance is one of the greatest challenges on the public health in the world. Currently, antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) have been regarded as a group of emerging environmental contaminants. The main analytical approaches of ARGs include isolation and incubation of bacterial strains, PCR, and new generation high-throughput sequencing-based metagenomic methods. However, functional metagenomic approach is a robust tool to find the new ARGs that have never been identified. This approach combines the high throughput of new generation sequencing platforms with function identification of constructing gene libraries, which is able to efficiently seek the novel ARGs without any of prior knowledge about the function of them. In this paper, we reviewed research progress on the application of functional metagenomics in the discovery of novel ARGs and summarized the advantages and flaws of current technologies and methods related to functional metagenomics. In final, we provided the perspectives of the future improvement on functional metagenomics.
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