Recent advances of screen-printed electrode based electrochemical sensor for the detection of Pesticides
摘要: 环境中农药残留具有较强的毒性,其长期残存会对环境生态系统和人类个体产生毒性效应,因而引起科研工作者的关注.目前,传统的色谱分析方法(如气相色谱法、液相色谱-质谱联用法等)是农药残留检测的主要手段,但是存在费时、样本处理复杂、仪器设备昂贵等局限性,因此,迫切需求建立简单、快速、灵敏的农残检测方法.生物传感技术具有诸多优势,特别是其可以简化样本处理/制备过程,实现场地检测,降低检测成本,有望将来取代传统的分析方法.本文主要综述了丝网印刷电极电化学传感器在农残检测中的研究进展.首先,简单介绍了丝网印刷电极及其制备,然后重点介绍了丝网印刷电极电化学传感器在有机磷类、氨基甲酸酯类、除草剂类等三类农药中的应用进展,并分别阐述了以酶、核酸、蛋白、抗体等为分子识别元件的生物传感检测原理,最后对丝网印刷电极的发展进行了展望.Abstract: Pesticide residues, which can cause toxic affect to the environmental ecosystem and human lives due to their high toxicity and long-term existing in the environment, have attracted great attention. Currently, the main detection techniques used for pesticides analysis are still focused on traditional methods (including gas chromatography, high performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry), with limitations of time-consuming sample preparation and the requirement of expensive instrumentation etc. Therefore, it is urgent to establish the simple, rapid, sensitive methods for pesticides residues detection. Biosensors possess many merits over the instrumental techniques, such as simplifying the sample preparation, achieving field-testing and decreasing the detection cost, are expected to replace the current instrumental methods. In this paper, recent trends of screen-printed electrodes-based sensors for the detection of pesticide residues was reviewed. Firstly, we briefly introduced the concept and preparation of the screen-printed electrodes and then reviewed the application of screen-printed electrodes based electrochemical sensors for organophosphate pesticides, carbamates pesticides and herbicides detection, and illustrated the sensing principles of the enzyme, DNA, protein and antibody sensors as well. Finally, the future development of the screen-printed electrodes-based sensors was prospected.
Key words:
- screen printed electrodes /
- electrochemical /
- pesticide /
- detection
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