Mercury is an important environmental contaminant that is persistent in the environment and can be transported globally. Mercury pollution prevention and control is a complex process, involving a wide range of sectors, fields and industries, and a slight move in one area may affect the whole situation profoundly in China. Therefore, comprehensive strategies in terms of policy, management and technology are needed at the national level for mercury prevention and control. In this paper, based on analysis of the environmental and social impact of mercury pollution, its sources and cause as well as the regulatory system for mercury pollution prevention and control, while taking into consideration the specific background of global mercury convention negotiations participated in by China, we proposed the following priorities for mercury pollution prevention and control: unintentional release sources such as coal burning, non-ferrous metal smelting, mercury mining and disposal of mercury-containing wastes; and intentional use such as PVC production using the calcium carbide process, production of medical appliances, fluorescent lamps and batteries. Furthermore, the technical roadmap was suggested herein including a sound mercury information platform for risk identification and management, establishment of China's management and regulatory regimes for mercury, research and development of environmental technologies, promotion of green transformations, protection of the public health and environment, etc.