Distribution and bioavailability of mercury in the soil of gold mine zone
摘要: 采用修正的Tessier方法和回归、偏相关等分析技术,研究了某金矿附近土壤中汞的赋存状态及其相互转化关系和生物可利用性.结果显示该区土壤中各形态汞的含量趋势为:有机结合态 >残渣态 >可交换态 >铁锰氧化态 >碳酸盐结合态,其中有机结合态汞所占比重最大在60% 以上,是最重要的赋存形态;土壤中各形态汞不是独立存在的,内部存在一定的转化关系,如碳酸盐结合态汞可以转化成铁锰氧化态、残渣态的汞,而铁锰氧化态的汞与残渣态的汞之间却存在着一定的竞争关系,这种转化关系在外界条件的影响下处于一种动态平衡状态;土壤中的可交换态和有机结合态是较容易被植物吸收利用有效态的汞,其他形态汞被植物吸收较少.Abstract: Modified sequential extraction partial correlation and regression analysis were used to analyze the total content of Hg, its bioavailability and distribution, and the forms in the soil of a gold mine. The results indicate that, the mercury of organic combination state is about more than 60%, which is the most important form in this soil. And the speciation follows the order of organic bounds> residuals> the exchangeable> Fe-Mn oxides> carbonates. The correlation and partial correlation analysis, show that the various forms of mercury in soil do not exist independently, but are in a state of dynamic balance by competition, migration and transformation. What's more, it also shows that the forms of exchangeable and the organic are bioavailable form, which can be taken up by plants more easily than others.
Key words:
- soil /
- mercury form /
- bioavailability /
- dynamic balance /
- translocation and transformation
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