Biodegradation of sulfonamides and the pollution characteristics of sulfonamide resistance genes in the environment
摘要: 磺胺类抗生素是人工合成的高效广谱抗菌药,广泛应用于畜牧业、水产养殖业和人类疾病的治疗中.近年来,该物质在环境中被不断检出,并通过饮用水和食物等方式进入食物链,给人类健康带来极大的安全隐患.磺胺类抗生素在各种处理工艺和自然环境中均可发生不同程度的降解,但其长期排放和累积残留将诱导磺胺抗性基因的产生,该抗性基因在不同环境介质中可进行传播、扩散,具有比抗生素更大的危害性.本文在充分阐述磺胺类抗生素在各种环境介质中残留现状的基础上,对其在不同处理工艺和自然环境中的生物降解及其相关抗性基因的污染现状等方面进行了综述,并提出了未来的研究重点和方向.Abstract: Sulfonamides are synthetic broad spectrum antibiotics which are extensively used in animal husbandry, aquaculture and human disease treatment. In recent years, sulfonamides are frequently detected in the environment, and enter the food chain through drinking water and foodstuff, resulting in a lot of biosafety problems to human health. Although sulfonamides can be degraded to some extent in different treatment technologies and natural environment, the sulfonamide resistance genes will be induced because of long term residue of sulfonamides. The spread of antibiotics resistance genes has great risk than antibiotics in different environmental matrices. Accordingly, based on the present situation of sulfonamides residue in the environment, the biodegradation of sulfonamides in different treatment processes and natural environment are reviewed, and the distribution of sulfonamides resistance genes are summarized in this paper. The significance of relative research and future directions are proposed.
Key words:
- sulfonamides /
- antibiotics /
- treatment process /
- biodegradation /
- resistance genes
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