The rapid method to analyze petroleum hydrocarbons (C10-C40) in soil
摘要: 本文借助新技术,搭配高效短柱,建立了快速测定土壤中石油烃(C10-C40)的气相色谱法,3.2 min即可完成全部分析.快速法的色谱图指纹峰与常规法相同,且独特的流路芯片和梯度反吹模块,显著提高了仪器抗干扰能力和降低了柱流失.比对数据显示,两者的方法参数一致,但快速法对于大批量样品的分析具有明显优势,在提高效率的同时节约成本.Abstract: In this paper, a rapid method to determine the petroleum hydrocarbon (C10-C40) in soil was established using new technology, coupled with an efficient 5 m short chromatographic column, and the analysis time was shortened to 3.2 min.The chromatographic fingerprint peak was similar as the conventional method. The particular flow chip and gradient backblow increased the insturmental capacity of resisting disturbance, and decreased column bleeding. The comparison results of two methods indicated that they had the comparable methods parameters. The rapid method has great advantages for huge sample analysis, not only increasing efficiency, but also saving cost.
Key words:
- petroleum hydrocarbons /
- soil /
- rapid heat /
- high efficient chromatographic /
- column rapid method
[1] 环境保护部. 环境监测分析方法标准制修订技术导则(HJ 168-2010)[S].中国环境科学出版社,2010. Ministry of Environmental Protection. Environmental monitoring-Technical guideline on drawing and revising analytical method standards (HJ 168-2010)[S]. China Environmental Science Press, 2010.
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