在炼化企业中,催化裂化 (fluid catalytic cracking,FCC) 等装置运行过程中产生的烟气含有二氧化硫、粉尘等污染物,是企业环境保护治理和监督的重点对象[1]。现阶段,国内炼厂FCC装置多数安装有再生烟气湿法洗涤脱硫设施。这些设施可通过自上而下喷淋的碱性浆液雾滴与烟气逆流接触,使烟气中SO2和粉尘得到有效控制[2-3]。但在实际应用中,湿法洗涤脱硫技术也逐步暴露出一些不足[4-5] :1) 消耗大量的新鲜水和碱液,运行成本高;2) 碱液与烟气硫氧化物反应生成大量硫酸盐和亚硫酸盐,导致循环液和废水盐含量和COD升高;3) 由于SO3易形成气溶胶,碱液对其喷淋捕集效率较低,与高盐废水中的硫酸盐、亚硫酸盐等一起进入烟羽,形成蓝烟拖尾问题;4) 高盐循环浆液及塔顶酸性冷凝水设备腐蚀[6]。
通过加注硫转移剂,一方面可高效捕集SO3,避免在脱硫塔中形成SO3气溶胶造成蓝烟拖尾现象;另一方面还可显著降低SO2质量浓度从而降低碱液用量和脱硫塔负荷,有助于减少循环液和废水盐含量,有利于缓解烟气拖尾[7-8]。本研究介绍增强型RFS硫转移剂的开发及其在济南炼化一催化装置 (不完全再生) 的工业应用案例,以期为同类大型工业企业的SO2和粉尘外排控制提供参考。
Enhanced RFS SOx transfer additive and its application in SINOPEC Jinan Refining & Chemical Company
摘要: 为避免烟气外排SO2和外排水COD超标、降低综合塔操作负荷、缓解外排烟羽蓝烟拖尾现象,在济南炼化催化装置中开展了增强型RFS硫转移剂的工业应用实验研究。结果表明:当助剂占催化剂系统藏量2.8%,按新鲜剂补充量的3%稳定加注时,综合塔入口烟气SOx平均总脱除率达到54.7%,碱液消耗量减少57.5%,外排废水TDS略有降低,烟气中的硫大幅向气体产品中转移,烟羽蓝烟拖尾现象明显改善;增强型硫转移剂的应用对裂化产物分布、产品性质和装置运行无负面影响。该工业应用研究表明,增强型硫转移剂可实现烟气污染物源头减排,并显著降低后处理措施负荷,可减少二次污染,具有一定应用前景。Abstract: The industrial application trials of enhanced RFS sulfur transfer agent were conducted in SINOPEC Jinan Refining & Chemical Company in order to avoid exceeding the emission requirements for SO2 in the flue gas and COD in the external drainage, reduce the operating load of the integrated tower and alleviate the blue smoke trailing phenomenon of the external plume. The results showed that the average total SOx removal rate in flue gas of the integrated tower inlet reached 54.7% and the lye consumption was reduced by 57.5% when the additive accounted for 2.8% of the catalyst system collection and was continuously added at a rate of 3% of the fresh agent replenishment. In addition, the TDS of outgoing wastewater was slightly reduced, the sulfur in the flue gas was transferred to the gas product substantially and the blue smoke trailing phenomenon of the flue plume was significantly improved under the above operating conditions. Most importantly, the application of RFS additive has little negative influence on product distribution, product properties and unit operation. Overall, The industrial application study showed that the usage of enhanced sulfur transfer agent could reduce the emission of flue gas pollutants at the source, lighten the load of post-treatment measures and suppress secondary pollution, and showed broad application prospects.
Key words:
- FCC flue gas /
- desulfurization tower /
- blue smoke /
- trailing /
- sulfur transfer additive
表 1 济南炼化1#FCC催化裂化装置原料性质
Table 1. Properties of feedstock used in 1# FCC unit of Jinan Refining Chemical Company
分析项目 取样周期 密度/(kg·m−3) 残炭的
温度/℃500 ℃馏
出量/mL加剂前 2月1日至20日 951.5 7.37% 0.63% 4 354 332 385.7 475 56.7 加剂后 2月21日至3月14日 948.2 6.8% 0.66% 4 476 332 386.6 475.6 55 注:原料特性为20 ℃下测定。 表 2 增强型RFS硫转移剂加注前后主要操作条件对比
Table 2. Comparison of main operating conditions before and after adding enhanced RFS sulfur transfer agent
pH加剂前 127.2 541.1 515.6 668.9 675.1 706 688.5 2687.9 5.35% 2103 437 689 7.68 7.35 加剂后 135.3 541.8 515.8 662 669 706.1 689.3 2720.2 4.5% 2260 242 498 7.65 7.22 表 3 增强型RFS硫转移剂加注前后物料平衡对比 (质量分数)
Table 3. Comparison of material balance before and after adding enhanced RSF sulfur transfer agent (mass fraction)
物料 干气 液化气 汽油 柴油 油浆 焦碳 损失 总轻收 总液收 加注前收率 4.33% 15.25% 41.7% 24.44% 5.55% 8.51% 0.22% 66.14% 81.39% 加注后收率 4.2% 14.79% 41.91% 24.98% 5.44% 8.46% 0.22% 66.89% 81.68% 表 4 增强型RFS硫转移剂加注前后硫的分布变化 (质量分数)
Table 4. Changes in sulfur distribution before and after adding enhanced RFS sulfur transfer agent (mass fraction)
产品 干气 液化气 汽油 柴油 油浆 污水 烟气 损失 加注前硫分布 2.86% 16.83% 4.03% 20.47% 12.63% 8.75% 16.2% 18.22% 加注后硫分布 6.57% 22.34% 3.99% 19.36% 10.44% 11.17% 5.09% 21.04% 变化值 3.71% 5.52% −0.04% −1.12% −2.2% 2.42% −11.11% 2.82% 表 5 实测锅炉后烟气组成
Table 5. Measured composition of flue gas after boiler
取样点 O2体积分数 CO 体积分数 NOx质量浓度/
(mg·m−3)加剂前 2.1% 0.0023% 96 738 153 860 加剂后 1.66% 0.0014% 98.4 334 70 390 表 6 加注硫转移剂前后外排含盐废水含盐量
Table 6. Salt content of discharged saline wastewater before and after adding sulfur transfer agent
采样时间 是否加注硫转移剂 外排水盐的质量浓度/(mg·L−1) 2019年2月14日 否 36 220 2019年2月15日 否 26 530 2019年3月4日 是 15 748 2019年3月5日 是 17 576 2019年3月6日 是 17 692 2019年3月7日 是 14 564 表 7 硫转移剂稳定加注后经济效益核算表
Table 7. Economic benefits after adding sulfur transfer agent
成本项目 成本类别 每吨原料单价/万元 每日回收硫磺质量/t 每年增收总额/万元 硫转移剂购买 新增成本 4.80 0.18 315.4 碱液处理费用 节约成本 0.15 4.46 244.2 硫磺销售 新增收益 0.18 2.23 146.5 -
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