Adsorption of perfluorooctanoic acid on humic acid
摘要: 本文以全氟辛酸(perfluorooctanoic acid, PFOA)作为目标污染物,讨论了腐殖酸(Humic Acid, HA)吸附PFOA的特性和机制.结果表明,吸附动力学实验进行24 h后,PFOA在腐殖酸上的吸附达到完全平衡,吸附动力学可以用拉格朗日二级动力学较好拟合(R2>0.99),颗粒扩散模型的拟合结果表明,PFOA在腐殖酸上的吸附分为3个过程,其中颗粒内部扩散是主导吸附的主要因素;吸附等温线用Liner、Freundlich和Langmuir模型对实验数据进行拟合,结果显示Liner和Freundlich模型吸附效果较好,说明疏水分配作用主导了PFOA在HA上的吸附;pH值和离子强度对吸附有明显的影响,吸附量随着pH值和离子强度的增加而减小;疏水性分配、氢键作用可能是主导HA吸附PFOA的主要因素.因此,在考虑PFOA在环境中行为的时候,要考虑腐殖酸的影响.
- 腐殖酸 /
- 全氟辛酸(PFOA) /
- 吸附 /
- 动力学
Abstract: In this paper, perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) was used as the target pollutant. The characteristics and mechanism of humic acid (abbreviated HA) adsorption of PFOA were discussed. The results showed that the adsorption of PFOA on humic acid reached a complete equilibrium after 24 h, and the adsorption kinetics could be better fitted with Lagrange second-order kinetics (R2>0.99). The fitting results of the particle diffusion model indicate that the adsorption of PFOA on humic acid is divided into three processes, in which the internal diffusion of the particles is the main factor leading to adsorption. The adsorption isotherm was fitted with the Liner, Freundlich and Langmuir models. The results showed that the Liner and Freundlich models had better adsorption effects, indicating that hydrophobic partitioning dominates the adsorption of PFOA on HA. pH and ionic strength have a significant effect on adsorption, and adsorption decreased with increasing pH and ionic strength. Hydrophobic partitioning and hydrogen bonding may be the main factors leading to HA adsorption of PFOA. Therefore, the effects of humic acid should be considered when considering the behavior of PFOA in the environment.-
Key words:
- humic acid /
- PFOA /
- adsorption /
- kinetics
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