The heavy metals contamination in Liaodong Bay and its adjacent waters
摘要: 综述了辽东湾及其附近海域的海水、表层沉积物和生物体内的重金属含量,时空分布特征以及风险评价等研究进展,发现Cd、Zn和Pb是海水中主要的污染因子,沉积物中的重金属含量从海岸和河口处向外海递减,这可能与人类的活动密切相关.辽东湾北部的污染比东部和西部严重,其附近海域的重金属污染水平总体上较轻,空间分布上呈现由近岸海域向中心海域递减的趋势.而锦州湾潮间带存在极强的潜在生态危害.生物体对重金属的富集程度受到海水环境质量的影响.辽东湾近岸贝类体内Cd含量普遍超出第二类国家海洋生物质量标准.Abstract: The concentration heavy metals in seawater, surface sediments and organisms, and their spatial and temporal distributions in Liaodong Bay and its adjacent waters, as well as risk assessment, were reviewed in the paper. The results showed that Cd, Zn and Pb were the main heavy metal contamination factors in seawater, and the content of heavy metals in sediments decreased significantly with the increasing distance to coastal and estuarine zone, which might be closely related to human activities. The level of heavy metal contamination in Liaodong Bay and its adjacent waters was generally lower, and its spatial distribution showed a decreasing trend from inshore sea to central sea area. The pollution in the northern Liaodong Bay was more serious than that in the eastern and western area. The intertidal zone of Jinzhou Bay showed a strongly potentially ecological hazard risk. The enrichment degree of heavy metals in organisms was affected by the environmental quality of seawater. Cd concentration in seashore shellfish in Liaodong Bay generally exceeded the second class national standard for marine biological quality.
Key words:
- Liaodong Bay /
- heavy metals /
- contamination /
- assessment
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