Bioavailability of selenium and its influencing factors in soil of Jizhou district, Tianjin
摘要: 以天津市蓟州富硒区土壤为研究对象,对土壤中硒含量、有效硒含量及硒的形态特征进行分析,并对土壤有效硒的影响因素进行研究.结果表明,蓟州富硒区土壤总硒的含量范围0.14—0.65 mg·kg-1,均值为0.37 mg·kg-1,高于蓟州区环境背景值0.23 mg·kg-1和全国土壤硒元素的平均值0.29 mg·kg-1.土壤有效硒的均值为0.021 mg·kg-1,有效度为5.63%.研究区土壤硒元素以强有机结合态和残渣态为主,两种形态的平均含量分别为0.14 mg·kg-1和0.11 mg·kg-1,占总硒的比例分别为44%和35%,水溶态、离子交换态和碳酸盐结合态的硒含量较少,仅占总硒含量的4.6%,1.7%和0.9%.土壤中有效硒的含量近似等于水溶态、离子交换态和碳酸盐结合态硒的含量之和,且两者的差异性检验结果显示并无显著性差异.土壤中有效硒与硒全量、pH和有机质均呈显著的正相关关系,偏分析结果表明有效硒主要受土壤硒含量和pH的影响.Abstract: Selenium-enriched soil in Jizhou district Tianjin was investigated. Total selenium, available selenium and various species of selenium in soil were analyzed. Moreover, the influencing factors of available selenium in soil were also evaluated. The results showed that the content of total selenium ranged from 0.14 to 0.65 mg·kg-1 in the selenium-enriched soils of Jizhou district, with a mean of 0.37 mg·kg-1, which was higher than the environmental background value of Jizhou (0.23 mg·kg-1) and the national average level (0.29 mg·kg-1). The average available selenium in soil was 0.021 mg·kg-1, accounting for 5.63% of the total selenium. The soil selenium in the study area was dominated by organic matter-bound selenium and residual selenium. The average contents of the two species were 0.14 and 0.11 mg·kg-1, accounting for 44% and 35% of the total selenium, respectively. The selenium contents in soluble, exchangeable and carbonate bound selenium were less, accounting for only 4.6%, 1.7% and 0.9%. The content of available selenium in soil was approximately equal to the amount of soluble selenium, exchangeable selenium and carbonate-bound selenium, and there was no significant difference among them. Available selenium in soil was positively correlated with total selenium, pH and organic matter. Partial correlation analysis showed that available selenium was mainly affected by soil selenium content and pH.
Key words:
- Jizhou /
- selenium-enriched soil /
- available selenium /
- pH /
- organic matter
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