Characteristics and diversity evaluation of macrobenthos in upper and middle reaches of Fen River basin
摘要: 为探究汾河上中游流域大型底栖动物群落特征,研究了汾河上中游流域17个采样点位的大型底栖动物物种组成、空间分布、与水质环境因子的关系及其多样性.研究结果表明,汾河上中游流域共鉴定出大型底栖动物4门6纲25科,共37(属)种,且不同采样点位大型底栖动物的种类、生物密度和生物量具有明显的空间异质性;水质环境因子对汾河上中游流域大型底栖动物的影响大小排序为DO > TP > CON > NH3-N>TN>pH>BOD5,不同种类大型底栖动物的主要水质影响因子不同;汾河上中游流域17个采样点中,大型底栖动物多样性最好为"一般"等级,占总采样点位的29%,"较差"等级采样点位占41%,"差"等级采样点位占30%,汾河上中游流域大型底栖动物的多样性综合评价为"较差"等级.Abstract: In order to explore the characteristics of macrobenthos community in the upper and middle reaches of Fen River basin, the species composition, spatial distribution, relationship with water quality and environmental factors, and diversity of large benthic species were studied across 17 sites in the upper middle reaches of the Fen River basin. During the study, 37 species of macrobenthos animals were identified, belonging to 25 families, 6 classes, and 4 phyla. Besides, it was found that the species, density and biomass of macrobenthos at different sites have obvious spatial heterogeneity. Effects of water quality and environmental factors on macrobenthos in the upper middle reaches of Fen River basin followed the order:DO > TP > CON > NH3-N > TN > pH > BOD5. The influencing factors of benthic water quality are different. In 17 sampling sites, the best level of macrobenthos diversity is "general", accounting for 29%. Poor level sampling sites comprised 41% and worst level 30%. The comprehensive evaluation of the diversity of macrobenthic animals is "poor" level in the upper and middle reaches of Fen River.
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