Adsorption of bisphenol a by phosphoric acid modified biochar-LDHs(Mg-Al-NO3) composite
摘要: 本研究选取油菜秸秆为原料,在600℃下热解得到生物炭和磷酸改性生物炭,并用共沉淀法制备3种改性生物炭-LDHs (Mg-Al-NO3)复合材料.采用批量吸附法研究不同pH、吸附时间和不同生物炭/LDHs配比条件下复合材料对双酚A的吸附特性,借助XRD、FTIR和BET等测试手段探究了复合材料吸附双酚A的机制.结果表明,改性生物炭-LDHs (Mg-Al-NO3)复合材料吸附双酚A的吸附平衡时间为4 h,符合准二级动力学方程(R2>0.99);复合材料对双酚A的吸附效果稍逊于改性生物炭,改性生物炭在复合材料中所占比重越大,吸附效果越好.当pH值在5.0—9.0范围内变化时,改性生物炭-LDHs (Mg-Al-NO3)复合材料对双酚A的吸附量呈下降趋势,且在pH=9.0时达到最小值.等温吸附模型数据表明,复合材料用Freundlich等温吸附模型效果更好.通过XRD、BET、FTIR测试研究发现,由于LDHs占据了生物炭表面的活性位点,致使生物炭与双酚A之间的相互作用减弱,降低了复合物的吸附能力.本研究结果初步阐释了改性生物炭-LDHs (Mg-Al-NO3)复合材料吸附双酚A的机理,为生物炭-LDHs复合材料处理水体中有机污染物的应用提供了借鉴和参考.Abstract: Biochar and modified biochar were prepared from the rapeseed straw pyrolyzed at 600℃. The modified biochar was complexed with LDHs (Mg-Al-NO3) by the co-precipitation method to obtain modified biochar-LDHs (Mg-Al-NO3) composites. Batch method was used to study the adsorption of bisphenol A on the composite materials with different pH, adsorption time and biochar/LDHs ratios. The mechanism of bisphenol A adsorption by the composite was investigated by means of XRD, FTIR and BET. The results showed that the equilibrum time of bisphenol A adsorption on the modified biochar-LDHs (Mg-Al-NO3) composites was 4 h, and the process was described with the second-order kinetic equation (R2>0.99). The capacity of the composites for the adsorption of bisphenol A was inferior to that of the modified biochar. The larger the proportion of the modified biochar in the composite material, the greater the adsorption was. When the pH varied from 5.0 to 9.0, the adsorption of bisphenol A on the composite showed a decreasing trend, and reached the minimum value when the pH was 9.0. The data of isothermal adsorption model showed that the Freundlich isothermal adsorption model was better than that of Langmuir. Through XRD, BET and FTIR tests, it was found that, LDHs occupied the active sites on the surface of biochar, the interaction between biochar and bisphenol A was weakened, leading to reduced adsorption capacity of the composites. This study revealed the mechanism of bisphenol A adsorption by the modified biochar-LDHs (Mg-Al-NO3) composites and provides a basis for the future application of this material in the treatment of organic pollutants in water.
Key words:
- modified biochar /
- LDHs /
- composite materials /
- bisphenol A /
- adsorption
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