Effect of biochar on the adsorption characteristics of atrazine in soil
摘要: 为探究生物炭对土壤中阿特拉津的吸附特征及影响因素,采用批处理实验研究了灭菌(T1)、5%秸秆生物炭+灭菌(T2)、未灭菌(T3)和5%秸秆生物炭+未灭菌(T4)条件下对土壤中阿特拉津吸附特征及土壤理化性质的影响.结果表明,在最初0—12 h内,不同处理下阿特拉津吸附量均随时间的延长而快速增加,而在12—96 h内增加较为缓慢并逐渐趋于平衡.在96 h时,T2和T4处理下阿特拉津最大吸附量分别达到46.22 mg·kg-1和46.43 mg·kg-1,而未添加生物炭的T1和T3处理则有所降低,分别为44.20 mg·kg-1和43.09 mg·kg-1.准二级动力学模型更好地拟合不同处理下土壤对阿特拉津吸附特征,T2和T4处理下吸附速率常数K分别为0.257 kg·mg-1·h-1和0.339 kg·mg-1·h-1,显著高于未添加生物炭处理的T1和T3处理(K分别为-0.083 kg·mg-1·h-1和-0.261 kg·mg-1·h-1).内扩散模型显示添加生物炭后,土壤对阿特拉津的吸附是一个由边界扩散、内部孔隙扩散等多因素控制的复杂化学过程.添加生物炭可显著提高土壤pH、有机碳、碱解氮、速效磷和速效钾含量,其中土壤有机碳含量与阿特拉津最大吸附量之间存在显著的正相关关系(P<0.05).由此可见,添加生物炭可以提高土壤对阿特拉津的固持能力,减少其淋溶迁移风险,从而达到修复阿特拉津污染土壤的目的.Abstract: In order to study the atrazine adsorption characteristics and its influencing factors, batch balance experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of sterilization (T1), 5% biochar+sterilization (T2), non-sterilization (T3), and 5% biochar+non-sterilization (T4) on the atrazine adsorption and soil physiochemical properties. The results showed the adsorption capacity of atrazine under different treatments increased rapidly with the extension of time during 0-12 h,and then increased slowly and gradually tended to be stable during 12-96 h. The maximum adsorption capacity of T2 and T4 reached 46.22 mg·kg-1 and 46.43 mg·kg-1, respectively, and which was decreased under the treatments of T1 and T3, being 44.20 mg·kg-1 and 43.09 mg·kg-1, respectively. Pesudo-second-order kinetic model was fitted better with the adsorption characteristic of atrazine under different treatment. The adsorption rate constants K of T2 and T4 were 0.257 kg·mg-1·h-1 and 0.339 kg·mg-1·h-1, respectively, which was higher than those of T1 and T3 (-0.083 kg·mg-1·h-1 and -0.261 kg·mg-1·h-1). The internal diffusion model revealed that the adsorption of atrazine by soil after adding biochar was a complex chemical process controlled by boundary diffusion, internal pore diffusion and other factors. Adding biochar could significantly increase soil pH, soil organic carbon, available nitrogen, available phosphorus and available potassium content and the content of soil organic carbon was positively correlated with the maximum adsorption of atrazine (P<0.05). Overall, the application of biochar could increase adsorption of atrazine in soil, and reduce the risk of the migration and leaching, and then get the aim of remediation of atrazine contaminated soil.
Key words:
- biochar /
- atrazine /
- soil /
- adsorption characteristics /
- mechanism
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