Application of ion mobility spectrometry in detection of chemical warfare agents
摘要: 环境及生物样品中化学战剂的分析检测一直是禁化武领域的研究热点.离子迁移谱因具有分析快速、灵敏、可小型化等优点,成为现场快速检测化学战剂的有效手段.本文首先说明了离子迁移谱的基本原理和设备结构,阐述了非放射性离子化源的发展对检测对象广谱化的影响,介绍了离子迁移谱与热解吸、闭管采样、固相微萃取、吸气式冷凝器等前处理装置的结合,以及与色谱、质谱技术联用在复杂样品定性定量分析和数据处理等方面的研究进展,并对发展趋势进行了展望.Abstract: The analysis and detection methods of chemical warfare agents from environmental and biological samples have always been international research hotspots in the field of the prohibition of chemical weapons. Ion mobility spectrometry which has the merits of fast, sensitive and miniaturizable, is fit for rapid detection of chemical warfare agents on site. In this review, the principle and structural compositions of ion mobility spectrometer were described. A summary on novel non-radioactive ionization sources for ion mobility spectrometry was provided. The technologies of ion mobility spectrometer equipped with pre-treatment unit, combined with chromatography and mass spectrometry were summarized in the field of chemical warfare agent detection. And its optimized data processing was briefly described. Finally, the developing trends for future of this technology were proposed.
Key words:
- ion mobility spectrometry /
- ionization source /
- chemical warfare agent /
- toxin /
- on-site detection
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