Research progress on the effects of photocatalytic degradation on the algae toxicity of antibiotics
摘要: 抗生素滥用带来环境中残留抗生素及其抗性基因的问题,近年来已成为全球关注的热点问题.光催化氧化技术是当前研究领域广泛采用的有效降解水环境中残留抗生素的热门方法;但光催化氧化无法使水环境中抗生素完全矿化,存在生态风险,探明光催化降解抗生素对其藻类毒理效应影响及内在机制,对研发高效、安全的光催化技术具有重要意义.本文在总结水环境中残留抗生素的藻类毒性检测方法和毒性效应的基础上,分析了光催化降解对抗生素藻类毒性效应的影响及其内在机制,并总结了不同抗生素的光催化反应及降解产物,讨论了两者与藻类毒性效应之间可能存在的关系,旨在为实现高效、安全光催化技术的可控设计提供思路.Abstract: The problem of residual antibiotics and antibiotic resistance gene, resulted from the abuse of antibiotics, have become a global concern in recent years. Photocatalytic oxidation is a widely used method for efficient degradation of residual antibiotics in aquatic environments. However, photocatalytic oxidation cannot completely mineralize the residual antibiotics, and there will be ecological risks. Therefore, it is of great importance to identify the toxicological effects of photocatalytic oxidation on residual antibiotics in aquatic environment. In this work, the influence of photocatalytic degradation on the algae toxicity of antibiotics and its internal mechanism were analyzed based on the summary of the detection methods and toxicity effects of antibiotics in aquatic environment. Furthermore, the photocatalytic reactions and degradation products of different antibiotics were summarized, and the possible relationship between them and the toxic effect of algae were discussed, aiming at providing guidance for controllable design of highly efficient and safe photocatalytic technology.
Key words:
- antibiotics /
- photocatalysis /
- algae /
- toxicity /
- degradation products
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