Research progress on the effect of chlorination on the degradation behavior and toxicity effects of antibiotics
摘要: 抗生素的大量使用导致其通过各种途径进入到污水处理厂、地表水甚至饮用水源水中.在污水处理厂二级出水排放之前以及自来水的生产和供应过程中,都必须进行氯化消毒处理以杀灭病原微生物.在此过程中,抗生素一方面可能被氯化降解,另一方面也可能转化成毒性更高的降解产物.因此,了解抗生素在氯化消毒过程中的降解行为对于明确其生态和健康风险至关重要.本文在大量文献资料调研的基础上,综述了不同种类抗生素的氯化降解行为及其影响因素,分析了抗生素氯化降解前后的毒性效应,提出了今后研究的方向.Abstract: The large usage of antibiotics leads to their entering into sewage treatment plants, surface water and even drinking source water through various pathways. Before the discharge of secondary effluent from the sewage treatment plant and the production and supply of tap water, disinfection treatment must be carried out to kill pathogenic microorganisms. During this process, antibiotics may be degraded by chlorination on one hand, and on the other hand, they may transform into more toxic degradation products. Therefore, it is critical to understand the degradation behavior of antibiotics during chlorination and clarify their ecological and health risks. Based on the investigation of a large number of literatures, this paper reviews the chlorination degradation behaviors of different types of antibiotics and their influencing factors, analyzes the toxicity effects of antibiotics before and after chlorination, and proposes the research directions in the future.
Key words:
- antibiotics /
- chlorination /
- degradation kinetics /
- degradation pathways /
- toxicity
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