Effects of multi-form and multi-level nitrogen addition on root respiration and microbial respiration in temperate forest soil
摘要: 为阐明不同水平、不同形态的氮添加对土壤总呼吸、土壤微生物呼吸、根系呼吸的影响及微生物机制,本研究以温带森林土壤为研究对象,开展多形态(硝态氮(NaNO3)、铵态氮((NH4)2SO4)和混合态氮(NH4NO3))多水平(50 kg N·ha-1·a-1和150 kg N·ha-1·a-1)的增氮控制实验.在施氮后的第7-9年,利用静态箱-气相色谱法研究土壤呼吸组分和磷脂脂肪酸方法研究微生物群落丰度和群落结构的改变.结果表明,氮添加显著提高了土壤硝态氮和铵态氮含量,而土壤pH平均降低0.85个单位.在施氮后的第7-9年,氮添加将会减弱土壤呼吸活动,高水平的氮添加效应强于低水平氮添加;就形态来说,(NH4)2SO4起到促进效应,而NH4NO3则逐渐由促进效应转变成抑制效应,例如在2019年(施肥后第9年),高水平的(NH4)2SO4施加分别提高土壤总呼吸和微生物呼吸的34.06%和37.95%,而高水平NH4NO3添加则分别抑制了土壤总呼吸和微生物呼吸的27.62%和31.70%.而高水平的(NH4)2SO4添加对根系呼吸有促进作用,而高水平的NH4NO3则有抑制效应.微生物呼吸和细菌、真菌显著正相关,和真菌/细菌比值也呈正相关.总之,土壤呼吸各组分对氮添加的响应受氮素形态和水平的控制,特定森林土壤碳排放量对土壤氮基质响应具有多阶段性,微生物呼吸的降低反映了土壤有机质分解速度的降低,这有可能会进而促进土壤碳的积累,达到氮促碳汇的效果.Abstract: Series experiments were carried out in the selected temperate forest to investigate the effects of different concentration levels (50 kg N·ha-1·a-1 and 150 kg N·ha-1·a-1) and different forms (NaNO3, (NH4)2SO4 and NH4NO3) of nitrogen addition on soil total respiration, soil microbial respiration, root respiration and microbial mechanism. In the 7th-9th year after nitrogen addition, the static opaque chamber-gas chromatography and phospholipid fatty acid analysis were adopted to study the changes of soil respiration components along with the microbial community abundance and community structure. The results showed that the contents of nitrate nitrogen and ammonium nitrogen in soil significantly increased with the addition of different forms of nitrogen, and the soil pH decreased by 0.85 units on average. From the 7th to 9th year of nitrogen addition, the soil respiration was weakened, in which the high-level nitrogen addition led to more significant inhabitation than low-level nitrogen addition. As to the added nitrogen forms, (NH4)2SO4 could enhance the soil respiration, while NH4NO3 could improve the soil respiration firstly and then result in declined respiration. For example, in 2019 (the 9th year after fertilization), the addition of high level (NH4)2SO4 increased 34.06% and 37.95% of total soil respiration and microbial respiration, respectively. While the addition of high level NH4NO3 inhibited 27.62% and 31.70% of total soil respiration and microbial respiration, respectively. The addition of high level (NH4)2SO4 rather than NH4NO3 promoted the root respiration. There was a significant positive correlation between microbial respiration and bacteria, fungi, as well as the ratio of microbial respiration and fungus/bacteria. The soil respiration gas components were controlled by the added nitrogen forms and concentrations. The soil carbon emissions were influenced multistagely by soil nitrogen matrix in the specific forest. The inhibited microbial respiration reflects the decreasing decomposition rate of soil organic matter, which could lead to enhanced accumulation of soil carbon and achieve the improved carbon sequestration caused by nitrogen deposition.
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