${\rm{NH}}_4^{+} $ 浓度与H+浓度的比值来代替χs评估植被NH3排放的可能性,该比值称为氨排放潜势(Γ)[12]。Γ一个无量纲的指标,受植被类型、植物生长发育期、谷氨酰胺合成酶(GS)活性等因素影响[12-13]。土壤含氮量直接影响植被${\rm{NH}}_4^{+} $ 吸收量,因此施肥对Γ值影响较大[13-14],不同氮素种类也会通过影响质外体pH值改变Γ值的大小[15]。尿素是我国主要的氮肥品种,施肥后导致大量NH3挥发。添加脲酶抑制剂作为一种有效抑制尿素氨挥发的措施被广泛研究[16-20]。研究发现,硝化抑制剂双氰胺(DCD) 和脲酶抑制剂氢醌(HQ) 混合施用时,可增加肥料作用时间,提高土壤肥效[21]。抑制剂同样能够促进土壤细菌、真菌和放线菌生长[22],还能减少氧化亚氮与其他温室气体的排放,提高肥效[23-24]。总之,脲酶抑制剂能够有效地抑制土壤脲酶活性,延缓尿素水解,降低土壤氨挥发。添加脲酶抑制剂导致植被N吸收增加,改变叶组织中
${\rm{NH}}_4^{+} $ 浓度,影响Γ值及氨排放通量。当前添加脲酶抑制剂评估集中在土壤-大气气体交换通量[23, 25],忽略了对植被排放的影响。本研究对比了单独施加尿素(NS)、尿素添加脲酶抑制剂(NS+YZ)的两种处理小麦氨排放潜势的差异,综合评估添加脲酶抑制剂后小麦NH3通量变化特征。这些结论为进一步评估施肥类型对植被氨排放潜势及通量的影响有重要意义。
Effect of urease inhibitors on the ammonia emission potential of winter wheat
摘要: 为研究脲酶抑制剂对冬小麦气孔氨排放潜势(Γs)的影响,田间试验获得单施尿素(NS)及尿素+抑制剂(NS+YZ)两种施肥处理方式下冬小麦气孔氨排放潜势(Γs)和土壤氨排放潜势(Γg)变化特征,以及天气晴朗条件下冬小麦叶片与大气间氨气(NH3)交换日间变化。结果表明,不同生长期小麦质外体
${{\rm{NH}}_4^{+} }$ 浓度及Γs值不同,扬花期及衰老期较高,灌浆期较低;对NH3交换日间变化观测发现,灌浆期小麦通过气孔吸收大气NH3,吸收通量主要受到气孔导度控制,最大值及最低小分别出现在上午10:00及下午19:00,其值分别为:(0.147±0.001) g·hm−2·h−1,(0.008±3.444·10−5 )g·hm−2·h−1。试验期间,NS+YZ处理冬小麦叶片${{\rm{NH}}_4^{+}} $ 浓度及Γs值明显高于NS处理,与土壤氨排放潜势(Γg)比较发现,脲酶抑制剂在降低土壤氨气排放潜势的同时增加植被氨气排放潜势, 酶抑制剂对农业氨排放的影响应结合土壤与植被系统评估。Abstract: To investigate the influence of urease inhibitors on the stomatal ammonia emission potential (Γs) of winter wheat, The characteristic of ammonia emission potential of winter wheat and soil(Γg) were collected by field experiment respectively in both urea(NS) and urea with inhibitors (NS+YZ) treatments, and the diurnal variation of ammonia exchange between atmosphere and winter wheat was conducted. The results showed that the ammonium concentration and Γs of winter wheat changed with the growth period: the flowering stage and senescence stage were higher, and the filling stage was lower. The observation of the diurnal variation of ammonia exchange showed that the wheat absorbed the atmospheric ammonia through the stomata during the filling period, and the absorption flux was mainly controlled by stomatal conductance, the maximum and minimum values appear at 10:00 a.m. ((0.147±0.001)g·hm−2·h−1) and 19:00 p.m. ((0.008±3.444·10−5)g·hm−2·h−1), respectively.${\rm{NH}}_4^{+} $ concentration and ammonia emission potential of NS+YZ treatment were significantly higher than that of NS treatment in leaves but lower in soils, indicated that urease inhibitor could increase ammonia emission potential of winter wheat but reduce soil ammonia emission potential. Therefore, the effects of urease inhibitors on agricultural ammonia emissions should be systematically evaluated in combination with soil and vegetation.-
Key words:
- urea /
- urease inhibitor /
- winter wheat /
- the emission potential of NH3
表 1 不同时期质外体气体、液体体积(cm3·g−1)及渗透后稀释倍数
Table 1. Volume of gas and liquid of apoplast and Dilution ratio after penetration at different time
日期 Data 4/29(4/20—5/1) 5/7(5/3—5/14) 5/20(5/17—5/29) Vair 0.2653 0.2757 0.2852 Vapo 0.0748 0.0914 0.0694 稀释倍数(Dilution ratio) 4.5468 4.0300 5.1100 -
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