Current research progress on environmental pollution of novel brominated flame retardant
摘要: 新型溴系阻燃剂(NBFRs,novel brominated flame retardants)作为传统溴系阻燃剂的替代品已广泛应用于电子产品、纺织品、家具等商品中,随着这些商品的生产、使用和处置,NBFRs不可避免地释放到环境中,给环境和人体带来潜在的危害.部分NBFRs可通过摄食和呼吸作用进入人体对人体产生一定危害,已被证明具有潜在的生物毒性.而NBFRs的环境污染现状研究对控制NBFRs的污染具有重要意义.近年来有不少研究者对不同环境基质中的NBFRs进行了定量测定.基于这些研究成果,本文综述了近年来环境中NBFRs的研究现状、进展,重点介绍了水体、沉积物和大气中NBFRs的含量分布.多种类型水体中NBFRs的浓度水平在ng·L-1至μg·L-1之间,浓度受地区工业生产和季节等因素影响,且不同污水处理系统对水体中NBFRs的去除效率具有一定差异;NBFRs倾向于分布在富含有机碳的介质中,沉积物中NBFRs的含量在ng·g-1至μg·g-1级别,浓度与地区工业生产、化合物性质以及总有机碳含量等因素有关;大气中的NBFRs倾向吸附于颗粒相中,在两相中的含量分别为pg·m-3和ng·g-1级别,其含量受环境因素影响较为复杂.Abstract: Novel brominated flame retardants (NBFRs), as substitutes for traditional brominated flame retardants, have been widely used in electronic products, textiles, and furniture. The emission of NBFRs into environment by the production, use and dispose of these products is inevitable, which may have adverse effects to the environment and human body. Several NBFRs have been proved to have potentially ecotoxicity and can cause adverse effect to human through ingestion and inhalation. The studies of environmental pollution caused by NBFRs have great significance in providing references for pollution control. The review attempted to summarize current research progress on environmental pollution of NBFRs. The occurrence of NBFRs in water, air, dust, soil, sediment and sludge were documented. Concentrations of NBFRs in water ranges from ng·L-1 to μg·L-1, which were influenced by regional industrial manufacture, season and other factors. Moreover, different wastewater treatment processes had different removal efficiency for NBFRs in wastewater. NBFRs tended to partition to medium with higher content of organic carbon and were detected in the range from ng·g-1 to μg·g-1 in sediment, dust and sewage sludge. The concentration was related to regional industrial manufacture, chemical properties of NBFRs and total organic carbon. NBFRs tended to be adsorbed in atmospheric particulate, and the concentrations in air and dust are pg·m-3 and ng·g-1, respectively, and the concentration levels were influenced by various factors.
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