Research progress on the mechanism of microbial mineralization stability of biochar
摘要: 生物质炭在碳封存和土壤改良等方面的应用潜力取决于其在土壤中的微生物矿化稳定性.明确生物质炭在土壤中微生物矿化稳定性是推进生物质炭在土壤固碳、改良等领域应用的关键.基于生物质炭在土壤中的微生物矿化稳定性研究进展,本文系统总结了不同类型生物质炭的微生物矿化速率和在土壤中的平均驻留时间,探讨了不同因素(生物质炭特性、土壤特性和外源不稳定有机质的添加等)对生物质炭微生物矿化稳定性的影响,阐述了生物分解过程中生物质炭的性质变化及其与土壤微生物/有机质/矿物质的交互作用,简述了生物质炭中内源矿物质和外源土壤矿物质对其矿化稳定性的影响机理.最后,总结现有研究的不足,并提出今后的研究重点.Abstract: The potential of biochar for soil carbon sequestration and soil amendment depends on its microbial mineralization stability in soil. To clarify the microbial mineralization stability of biochar in soil is the key to promote the application of biochar in carbon sequestration and soil improvement. Based on the current research on microbial mineralization stability of biochar, we systematically summarized the decomposition rates and mean residence time of different kinds of biochar in soil. The effect of various factors (biochar characteristics, soil properties and the addition of exogenous labile organic matter, etc.) on microbial mineralization stability of biochar was discussed. Also, the variation of biochar properties and the interactions among soil microorganisms/organic matter/minerals in the process of biological decomposition were expounded and the mechanism of the influence of endogenous biochar minerals and exogenous soil minerals on the mineralization stability was briefly described. Finally, the deficiencies of the current research were summarized and the key points for future research were proposed.
Key words:
- biochar /
- microbial mineralization /
- stability /
- biological decomposition
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