Research progress on degradation methods of organophosphorus flame retardants
摘要: 有机磷阻燃剂(OPFRs)已取代溴代阻燃剂广泛应用于各行业,并很容易通过挥发、磨损等方式进入各环境介质中.目前,已在水体、土壤等环境介质中检测到了OPFRs的存在.本文总结了目前已有的OPFRs在环境中的降解方式,据其原理主要可分为化学法和生物法,化学法主要包含Fenton/类Fenton氧化法、紫外-双氧水法(UV/H2O2)、光催化法、过硫酸盐活化法和水解光解等,能够产生大量具有强氧化性的自由基(·OH、SO4·-等)破坏烃链使其降解.但该方法容易受到实际水体中的复杂成分影响,导致效果降低.生物法则是利用不同的细菌将OPFRs作为碳源或磷源在生长过程中将其消耗或和微生物体内的特异性酶发生酶促反应从而降解.通过总结归纳目前OPFRs的降解方法,了解现有方法存在的优点和缺点,为高效去除OPFRs提供理论基础.Abstract: Organophosphorus flame retardants (OPFRs) have replaced brominated flame retardants and are widely used in various industries. They can easily enter environment through volatilization or abrasion. At present, OPFRs has been detected in environmental media such as water and soil. This review summarized the existing degradation methods of OPFRs in the environment, including chemical and biological methods. The chemical methods mainly include Fenton oxidation, ultraviolet-hydrogen peroxide (UV/H2O2), photocatalysis, sulfate radical oxidation and hydrolysis, photolysis, etc. which can produce active free radicals (·OH, SO4·-, etc.) to destroy the hydrocarbon chain and cause its degradation. However, this method is susceptible to the influence of complex components in the natural water, which resulting in reduced effectiveness. The biological methods use different microorganisms to consume OPFRs as carbon or phosphorus sources during the growth process or to degrade them by enzymatic reaction with specific enzymes in the microorganism. This paper summarized the current degradation methods of OPFRs and understanding the advantages and disadvantages of existing methods, which can provide a theoretical basis for the efficient removal of OPFRs.
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