Treatment of antibiotic mycelial fermentation residue: The critical review
摘要: 抗生素菌渣是制药企业在生产抗生素类药物时,由微生物发酵产生的固体废弃物.作为国家规定的危险废物,其产量大、含水率高、含氮、硫量高、残留抗生素的特点,使其具有巨大的环境危害性.抗生素菌渣的科学、无害处理是医药固废领域的热点难题.本文系统阐述了抗生素菌渣的类型、性质和危害,详细综述了目前主流的各类热化学处理技术和非热化学处理技术,重点对包括焚烧技术、水热技术和热解气化技术等在内的热化学处理技术进行了系统归纳,汇总分析其技术特点、环境影响、应用瓶颈及研究进展.同时,对抗生素菌渣处理的未来发展提出若干建议和展望,提出烘焙技术消除其生物危险性的处理理念,建立健全相关安全标准与法律规范,以更好地降低抗生素菌渣潜在的环境风险并实现资源利用,解决抗生素类药物生产工艺的后顾之忧,促进我国制药行业持续健康发展.Abstract: Antibiotic mycelial fermentation residue (AMFR) is a solid waste generated during the fermentation for the production of antibiotic drugs. As a state-specified hazardous waste, it causes huge environmental pollution due to the large yields, high contaminants, and the inevitable residual of antibiotics. The clean treatments of AMFR are facing difficulties. In this paper, the types, characteristics and perniciousness of AMFR are reviewed, and the feasible thermochemical technologies and non-thermochemical technologies are also introduced. Particularly, the thermochemical technologies are systematic summarized, including incineration, hydrothermal treatment and pyrolysis /gasification. The general evaluations, environmental impact, applications and research progress of thermochemical technologies are comparatively analyzed. At the same time, it is hoped to provide some useful information for treating AMFR. For example, torrefaction, as a pretreatment, can eliminate the biological hazards and provide benefits for downstream thermal treatments. With this review, it shed a light on AMDR treatment during production process of antibiotic drugs, and promoted the sustainable and sound development of pharmaceutical industry of our country.
Key words:
- antibiotic mycelial fermentation residue /
- thermochemical /
- treatment
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